Newbie Filter Worries

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New Member
Sep 13, 2006
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Recently i bought a second hand fish tank which included an ehiem 2222 profissional filter. In my previous tank i had an internal filter (Bio something, came with the tank, was rubbish), i know next to nothing about ehiem other than they're supposed to be quite good, and was wondering what the general opinion about this filter was, or whether i should just fork out and buy a new one.

The new tank is 40 uk gallons or 50 US gallons (roughly), if i decided to keep this filter would i need to run another filter sytem or just the one i've got?

Also the water supply where im from is very hard, is there any filter media which may soften the water?


Recently i bought a second hand fish tank which included an ehiem 2222 profissional filter. In my previous tank i had an internal filter (Bio something, came with the tank, was rubbish), i know next to nothing about ehiem other than they're supposed to be quite good, and was wondering what the general opinion about this filter was, or whether i should just fork out and buy a new one.

The new tank is 40 uk gallons or 50 US gallons (roughly), if i decided to keep this filter would i need to run another filter sytem or just the one i've got?

Also the water supply where im from is very hard, is there any filter media which may soften the water?

looks like you might. the 2222 is rated to 150ltr 33ukg 30usg
depends what your stocking the tank with!! if its going to be only a lightly stocked tank that filter will be fine, eheims are generally very good, i use them and personally think they are one of the best around for the money!

what do you want to keep?
Nothing to big, three or four angels, couple of dwarf or honey guruames, some bristlenoses etc, i'm also thinking about a couple of rope/reed fish, but i dont want a crowded tank.
I'll be using sand as the substrate so an under gravel filter would not be ideal, i was thinking of making a trickle filter, i've heard they're not to hard to build, but i've struggled to find any good plans. Should i just add another external filter or just buy one bigger and better one??? thanks for your replies.

for those fish i would personally pick up another filter or get a larger one

Angels can get large and create alot of poop and you want the conditions just right for them to do well :)
Ok, i just want the best for the little fella's, when i get them that is.

Slightly different question coming at ya, i'm from a hard water area, and theres only one local aquarium (small) to buy fish, there's several bigger ones about 15mins away, but i've notice (with my friends tank) that fish from there either struggle to settle in or strees out and die a lot easier than from the local place, i suspect it is becuase water is softer than from where i live. I've read about introducing fish and have done it in the past, and i was woundering if there is any special precuations i can take in ensuring that the fish can adapt to the water easier?
best bet is to speak to the LFS and find out their water parameters, ie hardness, ph etc, then you can see how close your figures are to the shops.

if they are not to far out just a good acclimatisation period will be fine, floating to get the temp the same then slowly adding water to the water in the bad over 30-60 mins then introducing the fish to the tank.

if the stats are wildly out special measures my be required to get the water the same but there are many products out there to do this so it shouldnt be too hard :)

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