Newbie, 2nd hand tank advice


New Member
Jul 13, 2004
Reaction score
Southampton, UK
Hi guys just wondered if i could get your opinion on my tank,

Its roughly about 60cm width, 40cm high and 30 cm depth sorry don't know how many gallons (Told you I was a newbie :lol: )

I got it from a mate who wasn't having much luck with it.
(I have only just found out this could be because he was using water straight from the tap and not checking ammonia nitrite or nitrates)

Anyway i figured Since a few fish had survived (male betta, 2 alge eaters and a cat fish, + 3 more I'm not sure about, sorry can't be more specific) I would keep as much of their water to transport them home and not clean out the gravel to try to keep as much of the bactera as possible, but like a proper newbie i filled it up with tap water before popping to the LFS to get some TetraAqua, Aqua Safe not realising that this would kill off the bacteria that i had been so carefull to keep during the move.
I then moved the fish in to the tank and they have seemed very happy since (This was all on monday today being thursday)

I thought today that every thing has had a chance to settle down so i'd check thr ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels.
Ammonia and nitrite and pretty much at 0 (could this be because its too soon for them to build up?) but the nitrates both in the tank and from the tap are between 50 mg/l and 75 mg/l are these too high?

Sorry for a HUGE 1st post but just wanted to nmake sure my new little friends are happy! :)

Thanks for your time

:hi: to the forums!

If it has been 3 days with no ammonia or nitrite are at 0, it means the tank is cycled already. But what did you mean by pretty much 00?

Nitrates sound a little high to me, but if the fish you have are not very sensitive, i think it is still acceptable. Perhaps you should consider some plants, they will suck all the nitrates up.

I agree with Phantom Thief. If you have gone 3 days with those fish in the tank and no ammonia or nitrite then the bacteria must have lived through the tap water incident. Java fern is a good plant for eating up nitrate. also easy to grow and fish dont eat it. HTH :)
Thanks for the well fast reply :)

I mean that they are as close to 0 as i can tell from the test.

I already have 3 plants in the tank not sure what kind though, I only got them a couple of days ago so will they have had enough time to get to work on those nitrates? I'm a little worried about the ammount of nitrates in my tap water can they change much from the supplier? should i start buying some RO water in to use for changes?


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