Newb, Over 100 Hatched And 1 Week Old


New Member
Feb 8, 2008
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I'm new to the fish stuff, we have 2 adult pepper corys, i think they are classified as Corydoras Paleatus, and they have been laying eggs like crazy over the last few months. Just wanted to get some advice on how to keep these little guys alive.

Well here's the story, so for the long post

The first batch we had, lasted a couple days, we tried one of those net things that you put in the tank, well the fish didn't last long we think it's cause the quality of the water wasn't all that good at the time. Then the second batch of eggs that hatched, we bought a small 2 or 3 gallon tank can't remember. Well anyways with a air stone, and changing the water every few days.

There was about 20 or so in this batch and every day up until the 6th day, a few would die and by the 7th day we had two, and the died that day. We feed them the hikari first bites. I did notice that the food would make the tank cloudly so i figure again they died because of the water quality.

So third time is a charm. Well this time i grabbed up the eggs about 8 or so hours after they were laid, luckily there was a bunch left. She loves to lay the eggs and eat them which i think is weird but, anyways this time i looked into getting an actual filter to keep the water cleaner. Bought a small intank filter, just uses the current of the bubbles to flow. Well the eggs were in there for about 5 days and last friday they started to hatch a couple at a time, and i was like oh it looks like we had about 20 hatched, we had prob 150 or so eggs in there, and i'm thinking there are all not going to hatch anyways, but late saturday night i went and checked on them, and there was too many i couldn't count them.

So for the next few days i kept an eye on them, and on the 2nd or 3rd day i started to put the hikari first bites, and changed about 40 - 60% of the water every day, i thought that would be to much water but after the next few days im glad i've changed more than half each day as they seem to be doing really well. They started to grow fast after a couple more days, started to darken some, their fins were more visible, and even their whiskers are visible if you have a good eye. A dozen or so every once in a while will make a trip to the surface, which is so neat.

I feed them every morning and evening when get home, and i put lots, the seems to eat all night, and right before i feed their evening dinner i clean the take and wipe down the bottom. Read on the food instructions, and they say you should feed less more often rather than more less often. Will this affect them any, i can't feed them every so many hours as i work.

Well i hope my luck continues cuz i never thought fish were interesting. And these fry are so entertaining. I'll try to take some pics later tomorrow. Has anyone else had this many fry hatch and survive. I just still think its crazy that so many are still alive. I mean there are so many that i can't count them, especially since they are so active now.

Must be doing something right! :good:

Check the faqs pinned thread above. I'm going to bed right now, so.... Someone else may stop by
hi felix300zx :good:

congrats on your wriglers iv got a batch of 100+peppers about 3 weeks old now.
i feed mine on first bites and liquafry no 1 for the first week then went onto crushed catfish pellits wich i did with a rolling pin with crushed flake and feed small dafhnia and blood worm aswell.
water changes and higeine are a must so ure doing the right thing there.
you are going to need a bigger growing on tank as they grow fast and u will be over crowded and start haveing problems.
iv got a 36x18x18inch tank for mine so something on them lines will be best :good:
Very very nice.

Congratulations. I hope do as well as you have. I'm keeping my eye on this thread for advice on what to do (and not to do...).
So far so good, still cleaning the take everyday, and wiping down the interior, i'm now feeding them Hikari baby brine shrimp and some crushed up flakes. Found a couple dead ones yesterday, but there are still a bunch in there and they are way more active now, might upload some vids and pics tonight, They are definitely some active swimmers,

Probably this weekend or next we are gonna get a bigger tank for the parents, and maybe get them some friends soon, been wanting some albinos, found a place today that has some. After we get the parents settled into a bigger tank i'm gonna move the wriglers into a 10g tank for the time being so they have some room to swim and spread out.

I hope i can find someone/store that will take them when the time comes because even if half of them survive, which i'm hoping it will be all of them, i'll have not enough room. I didn't really intend for so many fish to hatch and survive. The first couple rounds were small batches 20-50, and not all the eggs hatched.

Our peppered cory seem very easy to breed, we were trying to clear up our water so we did a couple water changes a month, and that seems to stimulate them more, and also because the weather is also cooler so it can get chilly out at night. She laid some more eggs the other day, but by time i got home she ate them all. She definitely like caviar... lol
How deep is the water in your tank? Mine are in a 10 gal that's filled right up.

Also, how do you change your water; siphon, scoop container, ...? I'm thinking of using an air hose so I don't disturb the fry.

What about tank bottom cleaning? I think the only way would be again, to use an air hose.

This fish breeding is certainly challenging and involved. But it's way better than spending 6 hours a night playing World of Warcraft!!!

Right now the wriglers are in a lil 2g tank hexagon shape bottom, and the parents are in a 10g. We plan on moving the adults to a 20g and get a couple companions, maybe larger depends on how much room we have for a larger tank.

this is the tank i have for the frys, the 2g

Right now the bottom is bare bottom, until they get moved into a bigger tank which i plan on using sand. Currently our 10g has small gravel, and i think the corys will like to sand better, from what i've read here.

On the water changing i would siphon (just a left over hose) what food is left on the bottom into a container in case i suck up a fry or two, And then scoop out the rest of the water, with a glass. This sounds stupid but i've had a long straw that i'll stuff a paper towel with and scrub the bottom and corners, then i'll do the sides with my hand and paper towel, when most of the water is out. Oh yea also i used that same straw to scrap the eggs off the glass and siphon dead fish out. Sound retarded but hey it works.

The fry don't seem to bother being messed with, when i clean the bottom they all get stirred up, but when i'm done they seem fine. I figure that in the wild they have it pretty rough at the bottom of a river. But our 2 corys and fry seem to be very hearty.
When you say 'straw' do you mean like a drinking straw of juice or a drinking straw for a milk shake?

I don't consider 'stupid' if it meets with success (unless it's from the Jackass movie).

What is the depth of your water? Is it a full tank?

i am very intesested. I cant wait to see some pictures. Keep posting!
Yeah it's like a drinking straw really long for like the big gulp cups

The water depth is like 12" or so probably a lil more but not much
Hi felix300zx :)

Welcome to the forum!

You are off to a fine start with this batch of fry! Lots of good food, along with frequent water changes, are the most important factors in raising cory fry. You might want to consider getting a starter batch of microworms if you plan to raise more in the future. The advantage of them is that they will live for some time in the water which means the water is free from pollution for a longer period of time than with prepared food that will spoil more quickly. It also means they they can have a continuous supply of fresh food during their early days, whether or not you are at home.

I hope you will continue to post about your corys as they grow up. :D
where can i find some microworms, don't really have any fish stores near by that have microworms, we have a local pet store near by with fish but they know little about raising fish. We have a petsmart and thats about it. There is another store i went today during my lunch break but didn't really get a chance to ask many question. I'll have to go by there again and check. Also what is daphnia, i've seen it mentioned a couple of times.
I would try to find some well stocked lfs that can eather find the things your looking for or point you in the right direction, even if you have to drive a bit. Chain petstores are ok for getting suplies but they often lack the apropriate knowlage like how to get fish to breed, or good fish that do well in a comunity tank, etc...
Hi felix300zx :)

You live in the US, don't you? If so, you can find someone who sells microworms on It takes a while to get the starter culture to grow and produce enough microworms to feed your young fish, but it's worth the effort. Once you get it going, however, you can keep it producing indefinitely.

Microworms are not actually worms, but nematodes that grow on cooked oatmeal or other media. When you add some to the tank, it looks like fine dust is settling in the water. It's not likely that you will find them at any lfs, because they are just not worth the trouble to grow for the money they could make from them.

Corys don't need a beginning food as small as daphnia, but here's a link with lots of information about growing them:

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