Its easy to sell fish cheaply as long as you do not have them in stock. This guy posted on Planetcatfish in 2011 and 2012, He has not posted there since. In 2011 he was a buyer in 1 post and a seller in the other 4 posts in 2012.
He also made 8 posts on between Oct. 2012 and Jan 2013. He has not posted on either site since then. That screen/seller name does not appear on AquaBid. I find nothing in terms of feedback on any sales he made. A more thorough search may turn up something in this respect.
Zebras are omnivores with a preference for meaty foods. I have never tried to feed the Hikari Algae Wafers. I have used the Sinking Wafers but only infrequently for plecos and not in some time now. I feed most of my fish a pretty varied diet. Zebras get all of the following foods but one cannot feed blood worms etc. to small zebras as they are likely to choke on them.
Frozen: Blood Worms, Tubifex Worms, Mysis Shrimp, Brine Shrimp, Spirulina gut loaded Brine Shrimp, Daphnia. For fry- cyclop-eeze, BBS and Daphnia.
Flake: My basic mix which I make by mixing four of the flakes from Tropical + Spirulina w/ Paprika and Garlic + Immune Booster + Earthworm.
Sinking: Earthworm Sticks, Veggie Sticks, Spirulina w/ Paprika and Garlic bits, Meaty Wafers.
Other foods: NLS Growth, Xtreme Scavenger Pee Wee and Fry Mix.
I have more foods that get fed now and then but not on any regular basis. I would like to add frozen Black Worms but I usually order a year's supply of from once a year and they were out last time, I feed all of my tanks for all fish of all sizes every Saturday on the Spirulina w. paprika and garlic flake and or bits. began offering the earthworm and the veggie sticks in a mini size and I have switched to them from the normal size for smaller plecos like zebra.
They are eating an AquaDine wafer, a food iIno longer have.