New Zeb Tak


Fish Crazy
Mar 8, 2006
Reaction score
scotland uk
ive gone for a small tank in my new house from this


to this much better i think soz for the pic quality









Was it yourself in PFK this month with the Zebs?
wasnt me in pfk sorry wish it was me tho maybe 1 day,thanks for comments people :rolleyes:
Looking good mate :)

What fluval tank is it?

Was it yourself in PFK this month with the Zebs?

The 2 page spread was Andrew Coxon's from another forum ;)
Suppose I should buy a copy realy :) (his spawning female was from me - I havent let him forget it yet either :p)
the tank its a fluval 1000,its much more easyer to maintain than my old rena tank but the hood on the fluval isnt so good for water changes.

thanks for all comments people more welcome
is it a species tank? it looks wonderful! how many zebs do you have in there?
no its not a species tank i have 15-20 galaxy rasboras and 3 sterbi corry in there i have 13 zebs in there i never see them all tho.the zebs are still maturing but hope soon i may have thgem breeding
Nice looking tank. Good luck with getting them to breed. I can't wait for the price on zebras to come down a bit so I can have a chance of keeping them again. But until I move out and get my own place I'm not allowed any more tanks.
i dont think price of zebs will fall,not for a good few years yet as the demand for them is still so high,ive just been very lucky it was more of right time right place also the fact i was able tgo afford them,all my zebs have been bought as fry at 4-5cm its taken years to grow them.
the tank didnt take that long to make as i pre-cut slate and siliconed slate weeks in advance just do a few bit every weekend,just did a water change tonight a i was able to count all my zebs i was pleased its not often i am able to see them all :rolleyes:

thanks for kind comments
Funny story...

My Paretns brought me a Zeb when i first kept fish as a kid.

Spent about £45 on one, stuck it in the tank and it promptly dissapeared!!!

About 3 months later it died!


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