New Zealand Fishkeeping


Fish Herder
Mar 18, 2008
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Hi, not sure i'll get many responses to this but i did once see a a member from New Zealand on here so i'm hoping.

I've looked all over for info and honestly i'm not holding my hopes up for anything special, from what i'v gathered it isn't a hobby that has kicked off yet, i haven't managed to find one single retailer or hobbiest that has even slightly rare fish and NZ customs is tight on import/export, i've had a look at the forum on the website which is the main NZ aquarium society and it all seems very basic, aquascaping is pretty much unheard of and there is only one online supplier of plants and they don't have a great choice.

Rare fish is where i really worry, there seems to be none around. Without aquascaping and rare fish there would be no enjoyment in the hobby for me. Please somebody give me some hope!!!
:rofl: so true!!! I saw the reply and got my hopes up, i'l just keep bumping :/
Hi jonnyf84 :)

May I ask why you are so concerned about fishkeeping in New Zealand when your location says you are in UK/
Hi jonnyf84 :)

May I ask why you are so concerned about fishkeeping in New Zealand when your location says you are in UK/

got everything inplace to move there, just sorting out work commitments.
Hi jonnyf84 :)

With 15 clubs, there must be something of interest going on. Even in New York, the most interesting fish come from buying at fish club auctions or from trading with other members.

Get together with a club near where you are moving to and I would be surprised if someone didn't offer to help you get restarted in your new home. Even if you just make a few friends and get some mature filter media, you will be off to a good start. These are the people who will know the best lfs around, and tell you which ones to avoid. :D

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