New Year, New Rules

I would just like to state that girls can play both codes. League is just Rugby with all the difficult rules taken out so Northerners can understand. ;)

pmsl :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

so if there's a load of rugby players here then......... post some pics of your legs :hey: :lol: :rolleyes:
I would just like to state that girls can play both codes. League is just Rugby with all the difficult rules taken out so Northerners can understand. ;)
oi! :sly:
out of intrest andy has your team ever played westoe?
i had my first three rugby games today, i am the largest on my team, we have a team of short people, im 6'3" anyways i am the 8 man at the back of the scrum formation, it takes a bit to get used to but once you get it its easy, anyways, im out for the next 5 months or so because of a fractured leg, a guy about 6'6" his knee landed right on my shin, i also got his hip the the face and some one else stepped on my hand, the worst of all i had already broke my leg in the same place. i think that scrumming is fine though.
out of intrest andy has your team ever played westoe?

Nope. Never even heard of it. should we have?

i am the 8 man


i think that scrumming is fine though.

But let's be honest, the number 8 isn't the most involved of the scrummaging players, now is he? ;)

The rules mostly affect the front rows (who have to pat each other) and the second rows (who have to learn to push a bit later). The back row have never been massively involved in a scrum so much as hanging on it.
wow, this is like reading another language :lol:

Regarding the "girls game" crack, I think he meant it was a sissy game, not that only girls play it - ?
Since the start of year 7 (half way through year 8 now)i have have been doing scrums with that rule,it's for safety,and once you get used to it it's great!In year seven i used to play flyhalf then went into backs,i never got any of the ball though :angry: greedy forwards. I only play for school,i can play second row,flankers and occasionaly winger.But i love second row for general reasons :devil: A few times i even playd ar the front row but am pretty small (smallest forward player).However i only play rugby when we are doing it as school as i can't go to a club because every 2 weeks i go to my mums :look:
well i have played both codes and i think league is a far better game but thats what i have been brought up supporting (im a WIGAN fan) i had to quit rugby because i screwed a cpl of disks up in the bottom of mi back..i still play occasionally with mates but i only play league
Went to the IRB Sevens Saturday and Sunday here in Adelaide. Awesome. I picked up some tips for this years University comps, LOL. Maybe we could do better than 11th/12? :p

The scrums seem to be doing ok. I think most of the "poor" scrums we see are the result of techniques the teams use, rather than any uniform code of engagement, ie. the "Crouch, Touch, Pause, Engage".

I hope to god Australia's scrums are better this year! :S
well i played my first game of league in training tonight and all i can say is its a load of s**t
Since the start of year 7 (half way through year 8 now)i have have been doing scrums with that rule,it's for safety,and once you get used to it it's great!In year seven i used to play flyhalf then went into backs,

tbh you havent really had a whole lot of experience with the old rule to compare though, and the fly-half is in the backs

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