New Wood Stained Cory Tank


get on a board and do yo thang...!
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 9, 2009
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South Leicestershire U.K
here is a tank i set up for my green and gold striped corys (11 in total honest........) they all became camera shy and hid........ :crazy: going to add a group of black neon tetras in a few weeks. what do you think? the corys love it :good:



please excuse the poor quality pics and the hiding fish, and the sponge in view............!
It's a lovely tank, mattlee. Corys just love having a large expanse of open space to themselves. :D
It's a lovely tank, mattlee. Corys just love having a large expanse of open space to themselves. :D
thanks inchworm :good: i dont know if you recall but my corys were flicking in my old tank? ive not seen 1 flick since putting them in this tank, so i put it down to the substrate in my main tank and not disease etc. :good: :good: :good: :good:
do you think black neons will be a good choice for the mid/top of the tank?
I would say the black neons would look amazing! and i little energy to the tank...would love to see your cories.. to bad their so shy :sad:
the sponge is a donated piece of media to help the external mature. the large sponge filter is mature but didnt want it in there so got an external but it isnt mature so i thought the sponge would just help it along. every little helps.......... i will try and get a pic or 2 of the fish in the tank, i have added a newly found gold stripe that i found in the filter on my other tank!!!!!! they must have spawned in there without me knowing and hes survived in the external somehow :crazy: i have pics of the fish before putting them in this tank but ill try get some of them in this. the black neons are on hold as the corys have spawned and i dont want to change anything now as hopefully they will keep spawning for me :good:
cheers :good: just been in the garage to get some pics and they all hid again......... ill post pics i got tomorrow, theyre not ideal but just to prove they are in there :lol:

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