New With Question About Shark Catfish


New Member
Aug 10, 2008
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This is my first post and I have a question about shark catfish. I went to a fish store with my mum to go and buy some guppies and while we were there we saw some shark catfish and my mum liked them so we went to ask the fish lady about them and she said first of all that they were ally cats and then she asked about our tank so we told her it was 6 foot long and that we had guppies, bala sharks, clown loaches and corydoras and she said that they would be fine in there with them so we went to buy them and my mum commented on how they wer swimming in the side ofthe glass kind of like they were trying to get out of the side and I thought it was probably because the tank they were in was small.
When we get home we put them in the tank and they are doing the same as they were in the store and the next day one of them is gulping air at the top of the tank and died a few hours later and the next day the other two died aswell. So we went back to the store to get a refund because there policy states if the fish dies in 7 days you get a refund so when i get there they say they needed a sample of the water so we are going to go back Tuesday with a sample.
When I got home I tried to do some of my own research on them only not to find any information about the ally cat and then later found out they were shark catfish and that they grow very large and prefere blackish water which the store lady failed to mention do you think they might of died because of this or do you think they were sick when we got them because all of our other fish are fine and behaving normally.

Sorry this was so long.

Any Help would be appreciated.
More likely they weren't healthy stock to begin with, possibly had been kept in freshwater too long. They are alright in FW when small, but need increasing amounts pf salt as they grow. The bala sharks and clown loaches will also outgrow a 6' tank, though the clowns will do it quite slowly.
Thankyou for the reply the Clowns and the sharks are quite small right now I guess we'll have to find them a new home when they get too large
What a shame for you and your Cat's :( Lucky it wasnt something like a Red Tail'd be amazed how many people buy them without being warned by LFS staff about their potential size and eatign habits :shifty:
What a shame for you and your Cat's :( Lucky it wasnt something like a Red Tail'd be amazed how many people buy them without being warned by LFS staff about their potential size and eatign habits :shifty:

It was a shame they were very pretty fish and would of been great pets for someone who could of cared for them properly:(.
We got our clown loaches and our bala sharks from the same place and they told use that they would never outgrow the tank will defenetily not buy from there again.
You have got a few years before your fish out grow that tank. Its not a bad size compared to most that keep clowns and balas.

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