New way to Fishless cycle!?

Okay - so now I'm getting desperate and considering trying to move things along a little by adding a big lump of algae-covered spaghetti rock from my other tank. Which I'm pretty certain is disease-free)

The only fly (ahem - crustacean) in the ointment is a red crab who has taken up residence somewhere within... will a nitrITE level of 2ppm kill him stone dead?

Will it help complete my tank cycle by next weekend?

(This "Spaghetti" rock is not my favourite rock coz it's responsible for the deaths of quite a few dim fish who got stuck in the holes. :grr: )

Oh hang on did I just say "not my favourite rock" that implies that I have a favourite rock :blink: - one I like more than all the other rocks - one that I have a special relationship with! :blink:

Brrrr, Brrrr <telephone> Brrrr Brrrr
Red : "Hello is that the psychologist?" "HELP ME! I've made friends with my rocks" :S

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