New Vt Male Betta Owner

i was just Google "nitrogen cycle for aquarium" and i pulled a page up that states there's a product that you can buy that claims it can cycle a tank within 24 hours and it may or may not still be on the market shelves? its called Marineland BIO-Spira it has a saltwater one and a freshwater one and it does state that the freshwater one may have been taken off the market

ok and what about seachem stability it also helps speed up the cycle

ok someone else somewhere else said no to the marineland bio spira that its worthless.....whats your opinions
nevermind on the products that claim to speed up cycle
wow ok the test for ammonia directly out of my faucet in the kitchen was berween .50 and 1.0 ......test results from the tank are.... between .50 and 1.0

I have that issue with my tap water. I have 2ppm of ammonia in mine. Even the filtered water from the fridge has high ammonia. The only way I've found to avoid it is to use a Reverse Osmossis (RO) filter on the tap. The ones I've found are expensive and I'm a broke college kid. My filters are mature enought to process the ammonia in less than 2 hours. It may simply come to a waiting game with your tank. I'd still suggest keeping up with water changes to lower the ammonia as the fish will add more. You may never get it down to less than .25
Keep doing the 50% water changes daily invest in some prime water conditioner 5ml does 200l and it nutralises chlorine, chloromine ammonia nitrite and nitrate. As as feeding goes my beta was fussy I bought loads of food. He loves hikari betta bio gold pellets. And sera bettagran.


ok i tested again wwitout doing anoter water test...i will eventually do one later today hopefully.... here are test results ammoinia .50-1.0 nitrite 0 nitrate 0 ph 7.6 ph high range 8.0
It appears your tank is not cycled, do you know anyone locally with a healthy tank that you could possibly get mature media from? You can kick start a cycle by using a bit of their used filter media. You just take a bit of the nasty stuff & put it into your filter.
Or even use some tetra safe start. I used it on my mbuna tank with no problems.

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