I have a 55 gallon tank with and under ground filter and a 330 penghuin Bio wheel filter. with a heater. Right now the only occupants are 3 plec's. 2 being 3-4 inches and the other about 8 inches. I just recently got rid of my 9 inch Oscar. I am now moving to a Community Tank. After some cleaning and researching I have come to find what I want. I would like to here oppinions, suggestions, or ideas on these. The next Occupants: 6-7 babby Bala Sharks, 4-6 Rainbow fish (Boesemani, New Guinea, etc...) 3-5 sets of Fancy Guppies, some Gouramis (? how many ?) Large School of Neon Tetra's, and some Cory Dora's...! Any ideas suggestions etc..?? I Do have one question though!! Will the Bala charks try to eat the Tetra's and Guppies?? Thank you!