New Tropical Fish Enthusiast

If your nitrite is high now, you need to do another water change now, this evening. If you leave it till tomorrow, the nitrite level will be even higher, which will do your fish no good at all.
You need to be testing at least twice a day and doing a water change every time you see a reading higher than zero; a big enough  water change to get it down to zero. Test an hour after a water change (to allow the new water to mix in) and do another water change if it's still not zero. Keep on like this till it is zero, and every time it is not zero at your twice daily tests.
Ok but what I don't understand is why is it gettin so high so soon after a water change?? Is there anything else that I can do to reduce the nitrite?
brwoody said:
2 x Leopard Danios
4 x small Neon tetras
5 x Glass Angels
5 x Endler guppies
2 x Balloon mollies
1 x small Silver dollar
Do you still have all those fish? If you do, that is what is causing your nitrite to get so high so fast. That is way too many fish for a cycled 64 litre tank, let alone one that is still cycling. A lot of fish make a lot of ammonia which is turned into an enormous amount of nitrite, because 1ppm ammonia is converted to 2.6ppm nitrite. For your tank you should be cycling with no more than 2, maybe 3, small fish.
You ask is there anything else you can do to reduce the nitrite. Yes there is - rehome all but 2 fish, a couple of endlers is about right for fish-in cycling. Then after the cycle has finished, buy more fish of the correct species and numbers for a 64 litre tank. You have already been told you are very overstocked with unsuitable fish.
If you don't want to do this, your only option is several large water changes per day.
And with those fish in a 64 litre tank, after the cycle finally finishes, you will need to do a lot more maintenance than a 25% water change a week. You'll need to do that amount two or three times a week.
Thanks for your help!

I've also discovered that some of my fish have been spawning....

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