New To Tropics - My Story So Far Lol

Theirs a total of 5-6 fry, im tempted to buy a bigger tank already but awaiting a bargain tbh.
ginge has been taken back to the shop, was too horny and bit another males fin, it went into hiding and wouldnt even come out for food, now he is the pimp, fry are all still alive, the adults only have a quick look at them now and again and dont persevere to catch them :)
just bought a tank stocked with 2 gouramis, unsure which kind, 6 neon tetra's and 2 guppys, i want to keep the edge running also, so i was wondering if a better mix would be the neon tetra's in the edge alone, the 4 platy in with the guppys and gouramis?, would the tetra's try and eat the platy babys which i have in the edge, so far they havent been attacked, the adults sometimes swim at them but dont make a massive effort and the fry just hide for a few minutes.

cheers, ill figure the tank size out soon, its at least double the depth and 1.5x the width.
Neon tetras won't eat platy fry; they don't have big enough mouths!

You plan sounds good :) Post pics of the gouramis and someone will be able to identify them for you :good:

If the filter in your 'new' tank is cycled, you can 'borrow' up the a third of the media and cram that into the Edge filter, and that'll give the cycle in there a massive boost.




tank needs to settle down from filling, the other gourami is far more colourful than th 1 on here, they seem to take it in turns hiding at the moment. Tank was fully cycled been running for over a year, but my cousin who i bought it off partially washed the filters with tap water, until i grabbed it off him.
Pearl Gouramis :good: Hopefully you have one male and one female, and they'll get along nicely :)
Just a word of warning on Gouramis... Just like Bettas they can become /extremely/ aggressive towards any fish with any red colouring. Some people and some tanks never see this behaviour, some see it right away, and others (like me) find it happens suddenly and for no apparent reason. Be prepared to separate them, at first I used my floating guppy fry tank, which saved my cardinals from being attacked but didn't stop my gourami from trying to get them. He killed 4 of the 6 in less than 20 min and had I not been there when he decided to go crazy he would have gotten them all. I've now since donated them to my LFS random tank and they look as beautiful as ever.

BTW I know this goes back a bit in the thread, but I absolutely love the small fluval edge as a shrimp tank and so do the shrimp (I however have the larger version)
Cheers for the info, well the gouramis have been in the tank stocked pretty much as it is for over a year, i am new to them as i bought the tank off a relative, but they do swoop in an attacking motion randomly but usually at each other, im assuming one is male and 1 is female, due to shapes and colour differences, in regards to the fluval edge, I was just looking into setting it up as a cherry shrimp tank, and whether them along with my neon tetra's would be compatible, im waiting for my female platys to drop their fry - next batch before i add all the platy to the gourami tank.

So i would make the edge a neon tetra/shrimp/platy younglings tank, if they dont all eat each other lol
what a weird one, found one of my guppies dead this afternoon, the tank is running perfect and every fish looked perfectly healthy, after dragging him out it appeared to have large clumps of hair in its mouth, :sly: couldnt figure out what it was, then i noticed 1 leaf of a live plant i have in the tank had been shredded by something, this had fine hair looking shreds on it, i have removed the offending leaf, but dont know whether to take the whole plant out or not, it must have took a long time to savagely shred this leaf which is strange!

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