New To To Tropical Fish Keeping (Dwarf Puffer)

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Yeah, the filter is just about adequate. I should have spent the extra 5 quid and got the 1400... Never mind, lesson learned for next time. :)

apparently you can take some bends out of the pipes for a better/ stronger flow? idk just a rumor...
... i'm thinking of getting a " Tetratec EX 1200 " External ...anyone have or had one of these and is it any good for the 90l?
Can you see my picture? That is an Avatar.

You will need to shrink the picture to a certain size in something like microsoft paint and then upload it in the settings tab.
Can you see my picture? That is an Avatar.

You will need to shrink the picture to a certain size in something like microsoft paint and then upload it in the settings tab.

i got as far as practically uploading it and it said it was too large haha now for an unknown reason im @ photobucket :L

so are the externals any good?
1200's are one of the best bang for buck filters you can get. :)

Photobucket won't help you upload a picture as your avatar. You will need to shrink it in MS Paint like i said.

Photobucket will just enable you to upload the picture to your thread. :good:
great to know i havent just set up a new bucket for nothing :p

ahh thats good then ... its not really about a limit of money for my tanks its more a what you get for it sort of thing combined with lack of space and as little noise possible with it being in my bedroom (upstairs) i dont wanna be coming thru the floor with all the water weight if you catch my drift..

limit on a filter is probably around £80 for the time being bearing in mind i need the hoses and heads ect...
Hoses and heads? Second hand 1200's go for about £50. Have a look on Aquarist Classifieds and Gumtree for local bargains.

The 1200 is silent, but tbh the ex700 would be plenty for a 90 litre tank.
yeah with it being an external surely i need hoses (inlet outlet pipes) and heads (filtery end bits so it dosent suck my fish up and so the water dosent basically flop back into my tank) lol idk the technical term :blink:

it wont be a problem with the 1200 tho would it? and plus that way it gives me a bit of excess in-case / when i get a bigger tank :good:
LOL! Can you see my picture of a puffer fish?

Ok, £90. lol.
yh i click it and it takes me to your profile :) ...oo00 nice i think i'll get one ordered from the lfs see if i can get a bit knocked off if i trade in my beloved pleco :/
They will bum you for full price, probably around £150.

What does it say under my picture? lol.

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