New To Tiger Barbs

Great little fishies :) i've been finding that with the 17 in my main tank, they still abuse/nip the corys just for fun, quite a few of them have nipped dorsal fins now, nothing extreme but i am pondering what to do about it. I'll see how they go for a few more weeks. Just to say, careful with anything else you may add.
Great little fishies :) i've been finding that with the 17 in my main tank, they still abuse/nip the corys just for fun, quite a few of them have nipped dorsal fins now, nothing extreme but i am pondering what to do about it. I'll see how they go for a few more weeks. Just to say, careful with anything else you may add.

yeah i know i gotta watch what i add, still trying to decide which was why i only got the tigers today. the fish store did have some really pretty albino tiger barbs. might get some of them. they also had neon pink danios that would be cool too

How big is you tank?
Great little fishies :) i've been finding that with the 17 in my main tank, they still abuse/nip the corys just for fun, quite a few of them have nipped dorsal fins now, nothing extreme but i am pondering what to do about it. I'll see how they go for a few more weeks. Just to say, careful with anything else you may add.
I said upthread that I had to move my cories away from my tigers in the end, they'e just too rough; my cories stopped coming out after a few weeks, except at feeding time, so you might want to make plans for that sooner rather than later :(
Nice Tiger Barbs. I like the set-up of ur tank too. I used to have them, but my fish are getting pretty big now that I had to give my barbs away to my LFS. One of my fish managed to kill one :-( Good luck with your Barbs, theyre fun fish to have in a big school.
Nice Tiger Barbs. I like the set-up of ur tank too. I used to have them, but my fish are getting pretty big now that I had to give my barbs away to my LFS. One of my fish managed to kill one :-( Good luck with your Barbs, theyre fun fish to have in a big school.
What kind of fish killed your barb? By the way, LOVE YOUR TANK!! I am still in my early planting stages but i would love it to get more filled in eventually. It's still looking a little barren at the moment but the plants just need some time to grow
Thanks :) your tank will look much better in time. Its either my Midnight catfish or my polypterus bichir that killed my Barb. It happened @ night n just found it the next morning :sad:
Thanks :) your tank will look much better in time. Its either my Midnight catfish or my polypterus bichir that killed my Barb. It happened @ night n just found it the next morning :sad:

awwwww poor guy :sad:
Saw the picture of your barbs. They look so cute together! :lol: All the best with your new additions :)
Great little fishies :) i've been finding that with the 17 in my main tank, they still abuse/nip the corys just for fun, quite a few of them have nipped dorsal fins now, nothing extreme but i am pondering what to do about it. I'll see how they go for a few more weeks. Just to say, careful with anything else you may add.

yeah i know i gotta watch what i add, still trying to decide which was why i only got the tigers today. the fish store did have some really pretty albino tiger barbs. might get some of them. they also had neon pink danios that would be cool too

How big is you tank?

Its 425 litres, 5 foot jobby. There is a lot of space in there for the other fish to charge around and find cover but i do find the Tigers scatter themselves around the tank a bit. At the moment there is a school of rummynose in there which they dont touch, also bolivian rams, kribensis and clown loaches they ignore too. its just the corys they tend to pester and it really is just for kicks.

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