New To Tiger Barbs


New Member
Aug 6, 2011
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I have kept cichlids for years and i am now switching over to trying out a planted tank and am planning on getting tiger barbs. My tank is 29gal and i was wondering what everyone else keeps with tiger barbs and what size of a tank they have....also pictures would be nice :nod:
I've kept them for a while now. Currently I have five in a 60ltr tank with two cherry barbs, four black neons, a krib and three mountain minnows.its a heavily planted tank and ill try to get pics up. They have a bad reputation cause people keep them with incompatible slow moving fish and they are inquisitive fish so find nipping occurs. As long as you keep then with other tetras and barbs of roughly the same size or fish with no trailing fins they'll be fine. They very active and are constantly chasing each other around the tank. Hope that helps and I'll definitely recommend getting them :)
I've got 20 in a 48 x 15 x 15" with some zebra loach. They do get bigger than people think and are very chunky.

I have kept them with cories (didn't work; the cories didn't like coming out, even though the tigers didn't nip them, they were just too boisterous) so don't try that, but they're fine with loaches, tetras and other barbs.

Get the biggest shoal you can as they are rough, even with each other. Oh and try not to over feed them; they beg like dogs and will eat until they pop; my son calls them 'The Swarm'.

Don't even think of putting them anywhere near guppies or angels; it'd be too much temptation for them!
Hi there!

I've got 4 albino tigers along with serpaes, black neons, swordtails and dwarf gouramis. I didn't like them at first cause I thought they were nuts, zooming around the tank. But after a while it got quite cute haha.

here's a pic:

Hope you'll have much fun with your tigers :D
coming from someone who has kept african cichlids for years, i am used to active and aggressive fish. This was the main reason i chose tiger barbs because i wanted something fun to watch and from what i have read, their personalities remind me a lot of my Africans

Irelove: Do your tiger barbs bother your neons? I wanted to get cardinal tarts to go with them but i have heard mixed reviews. Some say not to do it and others have said it is ok as long as you keep at least 8 tigers

clarousel: I notice you keep yours with neons also. Any problems? Your barbs are very pretty. How old and how big are they?

fluttermoth: How big did yours get and how fast do they grow?
I've got 20 in a 48 x 15 x 15" with some zebra loach. They do get bigger than people think and are very chunky.

I have kept them with cories (didn't work; the cories didn't like coming out, even though the tigers didn't nip them, they were just too boisterous) so don't try that, but they're fine with loaches, tetras and other barbs.

Get the biggest shoal you can as they are rough, even with each other. Oh and try not to over feed them; they beg like dogs and will eat until they pop; my son calls them 'The Swarm'.

Don't even think of putting them anywhere near guppies or angels; it'd be too much temptation for them!
Also, I wouldn't put them near any type of long fin tetras, as I had one that nips the fins almost completely off of a hi finwhite skirt tetra :(
coming from someone who has kept african cichlids for years, i am used to active and aggressive fish. This was the main reason i chose tiger barbs because i wanted something fun to watch and from what i have read, their personalities remind me a lot of my Africans

Irelove: Do your tiger barbs bother your neons? I wanted to get cardinal tarts to go with them but i have heard mixed reviews. Some say not to do it and others have said it is ok as long as you keep at least 8 tigers

clarousel: I notice you keep yours with neons also. Any problems? Your barbs are very pretty. How old and how big are they?

fluttermoth: How big did yours get and how fast do they grow?

Thank you :) No problems at all phew! Surprisingly it's my serpaes who are giving me nipping issues. My barbs keep the chasing and nipping to themselves. Occasionally their chasing each other startle the other fish but that's all. I'm not sure how old they are but I've only had them for 3 weeks. Right now they're all around 1.5 inches I think. There's one that's slightly larger though.
no they dont bother the neons and i've had them for about six months now. Very interesting fish, full of themselves actually cause they hardly ever pay attention to the other fish....unless its feeding time....then they come alive :')
Welcome to the forum! I love Tigers! Had a terrible day Wednesday finding 1 of my Green Barbs dead and as the day progressed I thought for sure I was going to lose 2 more of my Greens. fluttermoth assured me the loss could not have been prevented and as she is a brilliant fishkeeping genius I know she's right as always. My 2 Greens recovered completely so all is good in my tank again. I've discovered that all my Barbs and Tetras enjoy swimming against the current of both of my filters outflow tubes so I make sure to point them where they can be easily utilized.
Btw i've given up with the pics....dunno how to put it on :/
Your pics need to be posted on a site like Photobucket. Then when you click the insert image button you copy the direct link address of your pic on Photobucket and paste it in.
Welcome to the forum! I love Tigers! Had a terrible day Wednesday finding 1 of my Green Barbs dead and as the day progressed I thought for sure I was going to lose 2 more of my Greens. fluttermoth assured me the loss could not have been prevented and as she is a brilliant fishkeeping genius I know she's right as always. My 2 Greens recovered completely so all is good in my tank again. I've discovered that all my Barbs and Tetras enjoy swimming against the current of both of my filters outflow tubes so I make sure to point them where they can be easily utilized.

sorry to hear about your barbs :/ that sux
Got my tiger barbs! They are real cute and they sure look happy in their new tank. I got ten of them. As of now it is just them and a bushy nose place. The plants are still being added

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