New To The Shell-dwelling Cichlid World


New Member
Dec 30, 2007
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I am setting up a small 10 gallon starter tank for my girlfriend. I am new to shell-dwelling world myself. It will have hard water and the gravel has not been decided yet. Right now some store green rock is in there but we want it to look nice. It has a regular filter for a 20 gallon on it. We want to get a male and female Neolamprologus brevis. Also some small fish that love hard water also. My question is what would be good. I know thats alot to ask but anything would help my research. Thanks :good:
shellies like sand best, they burrow down their favorite shells, I dont know if this is a camoflouge thing or what or just a housekeeping fetish.

as for tank mates, your putting two territorial fish in a tiny 10 gallon, it's not a good idea to throw something else in there with them. your two bulldogs will keep you entertained enough with out putting constant fighting in the mix too.

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