Mostly New Member
ah i see, i didn't realize the shrimp were that small. I'll look into a different species
I was thinking of having a school of 7 neons/cardinals. I've been using this stocking calculator on http
/ as I've been brainstorming. I'm not sure how accurate it is though. I definitley do not wanna overstock.
Blondielovesfish said:Pygmy's would be a good size.
But, you'd probably be over stocked if you add say 6 pygmy's, 6 neons/cardinals and 1 dwarf gourami. You could make it work with making sure to keep up with your water changes but I would recommend that you have 10-12 neons and a dwarf gourami. If it was a 20 long then you could add the Pygmy's but adding them to this tank would be pushing for swimming space.
I was thinking of having a school of 7 neons/cardinals. I've been using this stocking calculator on http