New To The Forum! And I Desperately Need Your Help!


New Member
Dec 12, 2010
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Hey everyone! I'm new to this forum, but not new to bettas! I could really really use your help with my new little man!! I posted on the forum I frequent the most, but I'm not getting many replies... So I decided I need to branch out, a friend of mine recommended this site, so here I am!!

I was in petco yesterday getting females for my sorority and there was a petco employee going through the bettas and disposing of the couple dead ones... Well he picked up a betta to dispose of and I noticed the betta moving... I stopped him and said that bettas still alive, he looked at it and said "Yea for now but look at him, he'll be dead soon" So I asked if I could have him, since he was "going to die soon anyway" they made me fill out an adoption form thing, but I got him for free!

Honestly he might pass away soon, but if he does at least he'll pass away warm and loved instead of being thrown out while he's still alive...

He has really bad swim bladder (I think) he can swim from the surface, he'll try really hard but just float back up on his side...

He was really pale and stressed when I got him, hes colored up a lot though.

He's paper thin, I can like see right through him... and I don't want to feed him because of the swimbladder... And I don't know if he could eat even if he wanted to!

I have him in a 1.5 gallon tank, heated to 80 degrees, with a big leafy plant for him to rest on. I've added some aquarium salt and some IAL. I see absolutely no improvement from yesterday, except he's less pale... Is there anything at all I can do for him?? I dont want him to suffer either...

His name is Legend



right lets see oh hi by the
way and :hi: to the forum
is he eating or as he passed anything
defrost some frozen peas
deshell them and micro wave them
for 30 seconds or just till you can
mash them up to a a fine paste
let it cool then make it into very
tiny balls small enough for him to eat
then try feeding him that if he feeds
see how it goes over the next day or so
Hello friends :blush: , I'm new and dont really know how to navigate this system I joined Because of the King Betta thread Theres a member who stated by him theres Black,Yellow &Red Etc.... I need to get to that post to leave an P.M. :good: Thanks a Mllion Tropical fish family!!!!!!!!!!
Well you did a good thing rescuing him. He's not well but he looks to be a fighter (ahah bad pun) and he has a chance to pull through!

I agree with the Biffster, try some deashelled crushed peas (cooked preferably) that should help things. He'll be a good looking fish if he comes right!

And welcome to the site Aqua Dungeon
You did the right thing of resueing him just be proud of the fact that you gave him a longer life and will rest in peace when the time comes in your loving hands.:D
Ahhh i feel so bad for the little guy!! But im so happy you saved him :good: keep trying with the peas and i really hope he`ll come around but only time will tell...
Good on you for taking the poor boy home. I really hope that you have got him in time and will be keeping everything crossed for his recovery
are there any updates on the fish? noticed the tread was started in december...
I'd also like to know how he did/is doing because he was/is really pretty, even pale and ill like that.


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