New To The Forum And After Some Help :)


New Member
Nov 21, 2010
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hi everyone!

my names john, been searching through all the pics for a while to get some inspiration for my tropical tank so i thought id join and just ask for some help lol

atm my tank is an aquaone corner tank ufo550 in need of a change and im moving house in a couple weeks so perfect oppotunity to start again

i currently have:
3 corys
3 clown loach
1 big plec
3 big pink kissers
5 harlequin type fishies
3 red phantom tetra
4 neons

my mate manages a fish shop and will swap / part-ex all my fish if i wanted to completely change what i have

and i cant make my mind up what to do lol

im also thinking of gettin an external filter as the one that comes with it i think is not very good, and the lighting is poor, does anyone here have any suggestions as too what i could do with my tank any pics or links would be great :)

here are some old pics of how i have previously had it

how i very 1st set it up but the bog wood forever made the water brown ( i washed it god knows how many times and soaked it for a month at one point)

thats how it went b4 i changed to sand

really liked the sand but plec clowns and kissers destroyed it hourly lol


this is how it was kept but now i took the "ornaments" out because i got a thick alge stuff growin in my tank alot

plz help lol

atb john
thanks seffie :)

you know what i always wanted marine fish the most but i dont think i manage to even look after tropicals properly so dont think i could handle the maintance of them lol would it cost me alot to get it up and running? and is there a device that almost gets the water right for u?


john :)
Hi John and :hi: to the forum.

Nice setup, love that piece of wood, a real cracker :good:

I've recently changed 90% of the stocking in my main tank (a planted 55gal)

I had a mixture of community fish from across the world. Kribs, Gourami, Botia Kubotai, others etc etc.
I decided I wanted to go for a tank consisting of just South American fish, Tetras, Cichlids, L number Catfish, Cory's. (a link to the setup can be found in my signature) :good:

So you could possibly go down this route of South America keeping your Tetra's and Cory's then adding some community cichlids like Keyhole's for example?
You could possibly go down an African Cichlid route, although numbers will be limited and good filtration will be needed. Often in the hobby lake Malawi and Tanganyika are re-created at home.

Here is a good link on a Tanganyika setup (my brother keeps one of these)
Here is a good link on a Malawi setup

Or like Seffie said, you could even go to the salty side of things. Something I'd love to do but don't have the money for at the minute.

Looking forward to seeing you around the forum mate :good:


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