New To Tetras


Fish Herder
Mar 30, 2008
Reaction score
Queensbury, NY
i bought three very pretty looking Pristella Tetra for my large 26 gallon tank. there homed with a couple of mollies (although i maybe ditching those soon) lots of guppies and three female bettas.
is there anything special i have to do for these fish. there are plenty of places for them to hide, and i have a huge can of fish flakes. (i buy in bulk)

any hints to there care would be nice.
I have pristella, fantastic fish.
They love plants, heavily planting the tank will make them alot happier.
Feeding live food once in a while will make all of your fish healthier and happier (bloodworm, brine shirmp, daphnia etc)

Pristellas are shoaling fish, and ideally should not be in groups less than five, so i would add more if you have the stocking space (which will depend on the number of fish and filtration!)
Pristellas are one of my absolute favorite tetras...highly underrated IMO.
i agree with gsd, give them live bloodworms , they love them!!!!!!!
the loved the brine shrimp i put in the tank, actually saw one snatch a shrimp from a guppy, fast little suckers.

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