New To Sw, Is This Ok?


Fish Addict
Jun 25, 2008
Reaction score
Des Moines, IA
Well I was checking out a new petstore today in my area and asked about an 8 gallon biocube. its $200 USD and looks very nice. not only does it look great but seems to have the necesary components for a marine tank, such as filtration and lighting, even an included moonlight.

before i get all excited and buy this, i would first like to know what its potential is for a marine tank. what kind of fish could i keep? a pair of clowns?? im up for anything so your comments are welcome
Too small for a pair of clowns really and your fish stocking is going to be very limited (probably to small gobies).

Also if its your first SW tank its going to be a lot of work to keep it stable with such a small volume of water. If you dont keep on top of topping it up and water changes its going to be constantly bouncing around in terms of salinity and other water parameters.

Not saying you couldn't do it but for a first SW tank I wouldnt recommend it. I started off with a 14ish gallon and that was a lot of work to keep it going. Also I would strongly recommend reading all the sticky topics in the nano section and do a lot of research first.

If you do want a SW tank I would say go for at least a 20g (30g would be much better). It will be a lot easier to keep, give you more stocking options and be a lot more forgiving if anything goes wrong. You could probably pick up a second hand 30g for the same price as the new 8g.
Too small to do well as is. It would need a lot of modifications. SH

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