New To Plants


Fish Fanatic
Dec 7, 2005
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north carolina(USA)
i have a 10 gal tank in my room it has my first 4 guppy fry and they are soooooo hot (and shiny), but my tank looks bad by its self i have like 5 bucks to use and alot of java moss,hornwort, some willow moss(not some,TONS) some grass like stuff. i would like some micro sword and big driftwood but i cant afford any at the moment i also am working of the driftwood does anyone know what i could do with my tank to make it as nice as the ones in the sticky but smaller and low budget?

here is the tank
If you want to make it look better...i'd suggest grouping together the anacharis and the hornwort. Stem plants look better in groups rather than individual stems all over the place. It'll look good if you put a group of anacharis to the left, and the hornwort to the right. The middle should be clear, maybe for your java moss carpet.
True, but he will have enough after a while.

Maybe you should take out all those gems and rocks. They make the tank look really unnatural and without them, the tank would luck much better. Did you think about getting a background, or making one?

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