New To Plants, What Do I Need To Do?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 12, 2006
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Hi i have a 20 uk gallon 3ft tank, the tank is my first proper aqaurium and from the reading i did before starting up i decided to use fake plants so id have one less thing to worry about.

Anyway, my tank is no full and doing well, i bought a male and two female gouramis and therefore had to think about getting some floating plants.

I bought some salvinia off ebay, heres the link.;rd=1&rd=1

It arrived today and looks great, i just have a few questions, do i need to quarentine the plants before adding to the tank???
In terms of feeding the plants, is their anything i need to do or are plants able to meet their nutritional needs alone in the aqaurium???

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Hi, i have a 60cm 25watt tube, its about 2 inches above the waters surface.

Just over 1 watt per gallon. But seen as this is a floating plant and near the surface i imagine this is ok????

Can i just put the plants in the tank or are there any precautionary measures i should take?
You might want to just check them for snails or snail eggs as they can be all over your aquarium in no time. Give them a good wash in aquarium water run your fingers
over the leaves to clean them. :good:

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