New To Planted Tanks


Fish Fanatic
Oct 26, 2006
Reaction score
Ickenham, Middlesex
Hi there,

I got a elite 35 litre aquarium for xmas and I am trying to get the plants sorted before I add fish.

I really want to go with a planted tank but am not overly bothered about specific plants I just want to have some plants.

The bulb supplied was a Hagen SunGlo - I presume this woud not be efficient for the tank?

I am thinking of upgrading my lighting and adding Co2 but would rather not if I can just do it with undemanding plants.

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance :good:
Hi and Welcome to the Planted Forum :)

If you are new to planted tanks I would start of with the lighting that was supplied with the tank and work from there. It'll probably be OK to grow most undemanding plants. Adding CO2 now would be a good idea though, most tanks benefit from CO2. Have you read the pinned articles? Probably a bit more than you need to know at the moment but worth a read all the same :)

Keep us posted on your progress.

Hi and Welcome to the Planted Forum :)

If you are new to planted tanks I would start of with the lighting that was supplied with the tank and work from there. It'll probably be OK to grow most undemanding plants. Adding CO2 now would be a good idea though, most tanks benefit from CO2. Have you read the pinned articles? Probably a bit more than you need to know at the moment but worth a read all the same :)

Keep us posted on your progress.


Thanks Sam,

I've done loads of reading :huh:

Can you recommend a small/cheap Co2 injector?

I think that I will change the light, are there suitable bulbs for my hood or am I looking at upgrading the holders too?

When I got my tank it had a SunGlo 20W and AquaGlo 20W combination in.

The light output was not the best.

This was accenuated when I replaced the SunGlo with an Arcadia Original Tropical Lamp 18W and although the lampo was 2W (I guess this is no difference really) less the change is dramatic. Much brighter but best of all the fish look amazing i.e. red is REAL red not a dark Orangey. Black Mollies are black detailed with some highlights of blue instead of just a black silhouette.

I love the way the fish look now and am so glad I changed the bulb, Am putting an Arcadia Freshwater 18W in tonight to replace the AquaGlo 20W (George Farmer has advised the Tropical and Freshwater would be a good combo for growth) and can't wait to see what the fishies look like both lights replaced.
When I got my tank it had a SunGlo 20W and AquaGlo 20W combination in.

The light output was not the best.

This was accenuated when I replaced the SunGlo with an Arcadia Original Tropical Lamp 18W and although the lampo was 2W (I guess this is no difference really) less the change is dramatic. Much brighter but best of all the fish look amazing i.e. red is REAL red not a dark Orangey. Black Mollies are black detailed with some highlights of blue instead of just a black silhouette.

I love the way the fish look now and am so glad I changed the bulb, Am putting an Arcadia Freshwater 18W in tonight to replace the AquaGlo 20W (George Farmer has advised the Tropical and Freshwater would be a good combo for growth) and can't wait to see what the fishies look like both lights replaced.

Cheers, so did you just change the bulbs then withough any hassle?
I've done loads of reading :huh:

Glad to hear it ;)

Changing a bulb is easy, as they all come in standard sizes, and a given length tube is of a set wattage. I.e. 24" tubes are 18w, 18" tubes are 15w, just get a bulb of the same wattage and I'm sure it'll fit. As to what to get, the Arcadia freshwater is an excellent bulb, have several myself and as SuperC says, the colour rendition is good to as it's nice and white.

Adding more light is a bit more tricky, as you need a second ballast/controller, but if you have the money most hoods can be adapted to hold more tubes.

I've done loads of reading :huh:

Glad to hear it ;)

Changing a bulb is easy, as they all come in standard sizes, and a given length tube is of a set wattage. I.e. 24" tubes are 18w, 18" tubes are 15w, just get a bulb of the same wattage and I'm sure it'll fit. As to what to get, the Arcadia freshwater is an excellent bulb, have several myself and as SuperC says, the colour rendition is good to as it's nice and white.

Adding more light is a bit more tricky, as you need a second ballast/controller, but if you have the money most hoods can be adapted to hold more tubes.


Cheers Sam,

I am thinking of adapting my hood and sticking in the interpet holder like George, I then need to think about Co2 but I am not sure which one would be best.

Some of the pictures are amazing, I hope I can get my tank to be half as good.

On a 35lt tank you'd be ok with a nutrafin CO2 unit, tried and tested by many people, just use the DIY mix in the pinned article to get better CO2 production. Are you planning on going high tech with the tank?

On a 35lt tank you'd be ok with a nutrafin CO2 unit, tried and tested by many people, just use the DIY mix in the pinned article to get better CO2 production. Are you planning on going high tech with the tank?


High tech???

I am going to put the arcadia lights in if I can make the adjustments.

I will get the Nutrafin Co2 system and that will be it for me, might upgrade to an external filter at some point too!
Sorry by high tech I should real say high light. I.e. how much time and effort are you going to put into the tank? There are two option.

low light - say under 3WPG (watts per gallon) on your tank. Much less work, less ferts, less plant growth, smaller choice of plant (although still quite varied)

high light - over 3WPG, more work, daily fert dosing, weekly if not more 50% water changes, massive plant growth, can grow anything you want.

That help?

I thought the term 'a high tech tank' simply reffered to one which uses CO2 injection.... :unsure:

Sorry by high tech I should real say high light. I.e. how much time and effort are you going to put into the tank? There are two option.

low light - say under 3WPG (watts per gallon) on your tank. Much less work, less ferts, less plant growth, smaller choice of plant (although still quite varied)

high light - over 3WPG, more work, daily fert dosing, weekly if not more 50% water changes, massive plant growth, can grow anything you want.

That help?


Well I would prefer the low tech option. does that mean I can stick with my current set up?
I thought the term 'a high tech tank' simply reffered to one which uses CO2 injection.... :unsure:

Alas not. It depends which way you look at it, light is the ultimate controlling factor, but the two go hand in hand. High light = high tech. As far as I know, you can't have a high light tank without all the other kit, CO2, ferts, etc. (well not without having a algae infested tank anyway).

Rich whats the existing light fixture wattage? You'd probably be ok with what you've got for a low light, although given that its a smaller tank you'd probably get away with a second tube, without having to go fully high tech/light.

I thought the term 'a high tech tank' simply reffered to one which uses CO2 injection.... :unsure:

Alas not. It depends which way you look at it, light is the ultimate controlling factor, but the two go hand in hand. High light = high tech. As far as I know, you can't have a high light tank without all the other kit, CO2, ferts, etc. (well not without having a algae infested tank anyway).

Rich whats the existing light fixture wattage? You'd probably be ok with what you've got for a low light, although given that its a smaller tank you'd probably get away with a second tube, without having to go fully high tech/light.


Its a 15w Sungle light, I am not sure how I could fit a second tube though? Would that mean ripping out the existing bulb holder and putting in a new one?

I would leave it as it is. I have 15w over my work 40lt tank and the plants are doing great. I would however get a plant specific bulb for it and a reflector. The Arcadia freshwater bulb would be ideal.

If you did decided to add a second tube, then yes you might have to take the existing one out, but TBH most hoods can be adapted to hold two tubes, you just have to be imaginative :)


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