New To Planted Tanks

ok. So assuming that with the tank you are getting the light, filter and heater, you will need the following.

- 1 or 2 20ox boxes of laterite. How many is up to you and what you think you will need in the future
- at least 30 pounds of sand - the more the better. Call around to some pool shops to see if they have any pool filter sand. A 50 pound bag will give you a nice 1.5 - 2 inch bed. You can get sand at big al's, but it is rediculously expensive. You can also try play sand from Home Depot, but I have heard that the play sand compacts easier, making it harder for plant roots to spread. The pool filter sand is all uniform in size and doesn't compact.
- a liquid fertalizer - Seachem flourish worked great for me when I was using it. Or you can try Big Al's brand. I haven't used it, but it should do the same as flourish. The bottle will say how much to dose per week, but depending on the amount of plants you get, it wouldnt hurt to dose bi-weekly.
- Flourish Excel, or another brand of a carbon substitute. It will help the plants grow better since you dont have a co2 tank for the tank.

I think that should be it, other than the plants.
for the liquid fertilizer the only seachem flourish was seachem fluourish nitrogen, seachem fluourish phosphorus, and there were a couple others but i didnt see JUST seachem fluorish

and by big als brand do u mean the aquarium plant food supplement stuff?

also can u give me the names of some easy to take care of plants


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