New To Nanos


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Jul 9, 2007
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I've kept marines in the past, but never a nano tank. I'm interested in setting one up to see how it goes.

Can i have opinions on what is the smallest a nano can practically be?

Also, can ayone recommend any good tanks to browse over?

Many thanks

anything under 30 gallons is concidered nano but I ahve seen some as small as 1 gallon... I wouldn't start that small though. If you really want to go small I would start no smaller than a 10 and a 20 being a bit esier. you ahve more options for lighting and fish and such. as for which tanks to check out... I just did a standard all glass tank but I will let someone else address this as I dont have much experience with the other types.

best of luck to you!
I Agree a 10 would really be the smallest i'd reccomend going but a standard 15 is almost the 'perfect size to begun with' being that it is as good a balance as you can get from water management, fish choice and size. Just my opinion though... ;)
i've got a D&D 24g nano, and from a personal point of view i can't really fault it. its a good size so you can have a few fish/inverts, has good lights as standard so gives you the opportunity for a good selection of corals, and looks pretty good.
they have also been around for a while, and a lot of people have modified them and written about it, so there is a good online following for information.
Thanks everyone. Are there ready made set-ups on the market with nano tank, lights, heater, filter etc included, or is it better to buy seperately?

Many thanks again

Theres loads:
D&D 28g
D&D 24g
D&D 12g

River Reef

Red Sea Max


just do a search for nano tanks

by doing one from scratch you get exactly what you want and can make it to fit a certain space.
it might also work out a bit cheaper.
but its more work!!

your personal preference really.

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