New To Marine, Any Tips, Advice And Help Welcome...? Thanks !


New Member
Apr 4, 2009
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Hey everyone,
As I mentioned, Im new to Marines! Im really looking forward to buying my first tank, but im holding back and not rushing into anything to make sre Ive got all the inforation and advise I can get but jumping in head first.
Areas where im lacking in knowledge are:
1) Sumps..?? Are the necessary for a marine tank? I live in a rented house and have heard they have a tendancy to over flow...I cant afford to damage the carpet so want to tyr and avoid a sump if I can, but if its essential then balls to the carpet!
2) powerheads/wave makers...?? Are these essential for a marine aquarium?
3) Ive been looking into various tanks, from basic tanks to 'plug & play' nanos etc. Im liking the sound of the nanos and non cubes where everything is built in but ideally would like something bigger like a juwel vision, trigon or similar cabinet style tank. Any good advice for looking for a tank. I know marine can be costly to maintain but I want to get the best deal without going mad on a tank if possible incase Im rubbish at it and need to revert back to tropical.

And any other advice anyone wants to throw my way. Im all ears...!!

Thanks Everyone :good:
you dont have to have a sump, and they will only over flow if your using two pumps (one to deliver to the sump) and one to deliver to the tank)

the best way is to drill the base and use an over flow, you fill the tank and keep filling until it starts to fill the sump through the pipe work. and when the sump is filled to the desirable height, turn on the return pump, and all will be well.

power heads are essential if you want corals and live rock for filtration.

i would go for a 30+ gallon tank, but it will cost more for live rock, i personally would go for a Rio 125 or a lido 120 something around that mark, i would then rip out the internal and get it drilled for a sump
I would check out the classifieds for tanks, perhaps you can find a good deal on a tank WITH sump. Aquarist Classifieds and ebay are great sources for stuff like this :)
i would get the biggest tank you can afford, just keep in mind it will cost more for live rock and sand to fill it with. I wouldn't do a nano for my first tank, like truck said, go for over 30 gallons. Do you have any ideas on what you want to keep yet? It seems like you are already, but take your time and do you research, there's always more to know
Hi and :welcome: to the salty side - it is a brilliant place to be and the forum is full of helpful and interesting people :good:

Spend some time reading all the journels and threads of people starting up tanks, they will give you a good idea on cost and the sort of tank you might like :nod:

Seffie x

I'm not sure about the sumps but I dont believe you are required to have one.
When getting new fish, if you're newer at the hobbie, look for the ones that say "level- beginner" so you wont have to stress as much. Also, make sure to get either a tank full of 'semi-agressive' or 'tropical community' fish but don't mix the two because if you get a fish of the tropical community label, it may get hurt or eaten by the semi agressive fish.

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