New to livebearers, is she fat or holding fry?

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Dec 26, 2019
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United states

So I got these cuties about 2 months ago along with 2 others. About month ago the Mickey mouse platy plumped up. I thought the one on the bottom was also female until he started getting the sword on his tail. I'm new to livebearers so I'm unsure if my mickey mouse platy is just eating well or if she may be holding fry (now that I realize my tank is 3 ladies and 1 gentleman). This picture doesn't show it but she does have a slightly darker spot by her anal fin but I honestly don't know if it is a true gravid spot or if I am just hoping for babies!

Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated!
I think that she is pregnant because they do not get that fat.
If you look at the scales and they are bulging then she is pregnant and from the picture it looks like that is what is happening and if she has a gravid spot or black spot near her anal fin then she is definitely pregnant.

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