New To Keeping Tropical Fish

I 100% back those posts up.

They speak of mucho good advice my friend. We're just asking you to listen to it. Your tank will not be cycled after just 7 days.

Adding fish now will make for a source of Ammonia (fish pee). Presence of that Ammonia in the water (that must be pumped through the filter) is the starting point for a cycle. Problem is.... is that Ammonia is HIGHLY toxic to fish and they WILL suffer as has been pointed out. This is why a fish-less cycle is recommended: YOU add the ammonia artificially (no fish present).

Respect to you if you choose to follow this advice. :good:

Ah i forgot to say i added Nutrafin Cycle on day 1, as per instructions on the bottle :)
So what? That stuff is known to be almost worthless. Have you added any ammonia and tested the resulting bacterial action by monitoring nitrites and nitrates? If not, you are in no better place to claim a cycled tank than the man in the moon. I feel that MW has been very patient with the fact that you don't want to cycle your tank. What you are doing, if you refuse to listen to her advice, is getting ready to kill some innocent fish. I know that I am a bit overbearing sometimes but this time I feel justified.
Just as an extra note to go alongside the 100% correct comments above - Remember that your LFS (local fish shop/store) would rather you put fish in your tank - guess why......

Yup, they make money out of it - plus, those fish will probably die if you take THEIR advice (although the people on here will give you a way to save your fish, if you follow what they say) - and thus, they make MORE money from selling you another batch of fish.

The mistake almost all 1st timers make (including me) is they buy a tank, and then they *want fish now*. Don't fall into that trap.
Fishless cycles are a complicated buisness, so please give the guy a chance. Hopefully he will take heed of your advise and every thing will work out.
I remember going through this at the begining so know how important it is and done right the fatality's will be small if not zero!!
good luck :good:
p.s. kinda liked miss wiggle's authority - does that make me wierd!! :blush:
i'm sorry to say this but leaving your tank for 7 days does not constitute a fishless cycle whatever the fish shop may have told you. if you put fish into the tank now you are putting them in considerable danger.

I'll ask you once again to please read the two links on cycling in my thread before you go and buy fish, if you had read them you would understand why what you are doing is not fishless cycling.

I'm gonna ditto this because it's important.

I was given the same (poor) advice by the LFS as you i.e. "Seven days will be fine" and now I'm fighting SERIOUS water problems. For the sake of your fish, listen to all the good advice here and be patient.

p.s. kinda liked miss wiggle's authority - does that make me wierd!! :blush:


well you see nutrafin cycle is a great idea, the filter comes as a bit of hardware, like a pc with no software on it or something, it's got all the kit to do the job but doesn't just plug and play, it needs preparation for the bacteria that live in it to grow and only after that point will it do it's job and keep the water clean. There's no magic trick to filters, they're basically a pump and some sponge, and that by itself will not process fish waste and convert it from toxic ammonia to 'safe' nitrate, you need the bacteria there or it doesn't work.

So what nutrafic cycle claims to do is to put the bacteria in there instantly meaning that the filter works within a week and you can then skip the whole cycling phase. Great idea, shame it doesn't work. :rolleyes: Bacteria are a living organism, they will not live indefinately on a shelf in a fish shop with no food or oxygen. By the time the bacteria have been packed, gone through the factory processes, been packed, sat in a warehouse for a few months, been distributed to the pet shop and then sat on a shelf for months there's nothing left alive in them. :/

So even when you have added the cycle you'll add fish and find that the filter doesn't work. It turns the water over in the tank but the water quality very quickly deteriorates and then the fish start getting ill. What we do for a fishless cycle is we add ammonia to the tank, thsi simulates the fish waste going in, the bacteria feed off the ammonia and will start to grow, we measure the water quality over a couple of weeks and then we can tell when there is enough bacteria there to consume all the fishes waste. So we then add fish and have no problems with water quality.

I don't want you to feel like we're really getting on to you, it can seem very daunting for beginners and sometimes it's hard when someone tells you that the 'experts' at the fish shop don't know what they're talking about. But to put it into perspective, even the real senior guys in the lfs are on a small amount over minimum wage, these are not qualified marine biologists, they're salesmen. The industry is barely regulated meaning just about anyone can sell anything. There's a lot of genuine hobbyists here who are really smart people who would dearly love to work with fish all day, but the reality is that it doesn't pay so we have to do other jobs.

All we're trying to say is please don't take it for granted that this bottle of stuff the fish shop have sold you will instantly make the tank safe for the fish. If you decide you want to do a fish-in cycle then that's your choice, but make it a conscious choice rather than being dumped into a situation because you didn't do the research or just believed the fish shop. It will just take you 10 mins or so to read through the two links in my signature 'whats cycling' and 'fishless cycling' if you still decide to get your fish after a week when you've read them and understand what you're doing then that's a different matter. But please just read them first.
are you even listening to the advice on here the fish shop is just trying to make a sale :crazy:

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