New To Honey Gourami

She probably got spooked and hit her head on something. My gourami does this.

Almond leaves just release tannins into the water and make it slightly more acidic and blackwater environment, which some claim to enable breeding conditions but I doubt that would be any better than just having clean water.
Ok, will forget that idea.
I think things are improving with the bossy girl's behavior as she is a lot less into chasing and is easing more and more to less following... however... shy girl is quite in the habit now of going straight to her hiding corner at the slightest follow.
Any other ideas to help her chill a bit?  They fed very well today... the male and shy girl ate on the right side of the bog wood and left bossy girl alone on the left side.

I hope the male stands up for her too... he will chase bossy girl away from his side if she shows the least bit of aggression but he is happy to spend time with shy girl.
More plants? My gourami looooved the tank after I put in some tall water sprites. A planted tank is never planted enough.

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