Okay so I´ve done some digging and I'm actually pretty hooked on the Lake Tanganyika Biotope! While I do find plants really nice, I guess I'll have to live without a dense vegetation
I've already decided on some fish, however as far as i can read they should be kept in pairs. I've thought about:
- Julidochromis marlieri
- Neolamprologus leleupi
I really like these fish but if they should be kept in pairs i still have alot of fish i can get. (270L)
I was thinking about some of these;
The first one is the "Tropheus Duboisi". I read it was aggressive and that it was not for beginners. I also read on one website you should keep 1 of them or 20+ (nothing in between) and on another website that you should keep 6. So im a bit confused.
The second one is the "Tropheus moorii" which also says it should either be kept 1 or between 15-20.
The last one is the "Calvus" which I can't really find any information on how many you should keep together.
So my question is if i could keep these together, howmany should I/can i have in my 270L tank?
Should i make a new thread, or can i continue in this one? Maybe i should make one specificly for the lake tanganyika?