New To Gouramies


Fish Fanatic
Oct 17, 2007
Reaction score
Green Bay, WI
Ok, so I had to break up my sorority tank cause I was finding fish with chuncks off their fins, so I decided to try a community tank. I had neons in there already, and I got some ghost catfish, a pleco and 3 dwarf gouamis. I want a kissing one so bad, but I know I currently don't have the room for one. Anyway, I got a flame, powder blue, and a regular dwarf gourami. Well in the last 48 hours, 2 of them have died! I checked my water and it's all fine. So I started doing some research on the forums. Well then I find out that the dwarfs drop like flies... so I'm returning the one that died last night to Petmart and seeing about a non-dwarf gourami. I would really like to beable to keep these fish! I so wish I could keep a kissing in my 29, but I know they get too big for one.

Anyone have any tips on keeping these fish? The regular dwarf is still alive and seems like he's doing well. Knock on wood. LOL

I am new to gouramis also, I think Kissing Gouramis only get to about 6-7 inches long. But hey I am no expert:) BTW, what size of tank do you have?
Kissing Gourami can get to 12"

Have you thought of Thick Lipped Gourami? They get to about 4" and my pair are real fun fish. They are playful and have spawned twice. They are not as inbred as dwarf gourami either so are generally tougher.
Well I did do some research and I decided to get some Pearl gouramies. I read they are very hardy and can live up to 8 years! Plus they are beautiful. As far as the Kissings, I read they can grow up to 12 inches, and I don't want to take any chances of having them in too small of a tank. My tank is a 29, btw.

I couldn't find Thick-Lipped ones anywhere! I did try though.

My one dwarf is still alive, and very active. He seems to be happy. If he doesn't get along with the pearls when they get here (I got them off of Aquabid) We have plenty of tanks we could put him in. LOL The guy who is sending them to me is also going to give me information on how to breed them. From what I read, they breed just like bettas, and I've been able to breed those. :)

I'll post pics when the Pearls get here! They are juvies, btw. :)

Thanks! It feels good to know I made a good choice. I can't wait until they get here. :) I also just oredered a book on gouramies from Amazon. I'm excited for that too. :D


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