New Member
Hi there! I'm excited to have found this forum because I'm finding so much conflicting information about substrates that my head is spinning. My grandson and I had a beta in a 5 gal aquarium for 2 years and really enjoyed him. I started adding live plants and loved it. When he passed I got 3 neon tetras, a reticulated hillstream loach, snails, and cherry shrimp. I have been wanting to upgrade but wanted to be totally prepared before I begin. I purchased a Fluval Flex 32.5gal. I have read a lot, watched a bunch of YouTube videos, and spoke with a couple people at our local fish stores and have changed my mind numerous times about the substrate over the last I haven't set up the tank yet. I did a trial small tank with Stratum and my plants would not stay even with weights, and the water was so cloudy I had to take breaks to let the filter clear the water enough so that I could see what I was doing. I was planning to use a layer of the Stratum in mesh bags then a layer of Eco Complete and cover with sand. I was told to put large gravel under the Stratum first and I someone else told to put styrofoam under the Stratum instead. With so many experienced people on this forum I'm hopeful that I will finally be able to choose my sustrate and start setting up my tank. I will greatly appreciate any advice! Thank you!