New To Forum And Happy To Be Here!


Mostly New Member
May 18, 2014
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I have a 29 gal tank with Marineland Penguin 350 filtration system, & under gravel filters. 
My fish children are as follows:
1 large angel fish
1 cory cat
1 bristlenose pleco
1 botia loach
3 head and tail light tetras
3 yellow pistella tetras
3 gold zebra danios
3 male platies
3 glow light tetras
4 neon tetras
This is a newly established tank.  It was so hard to wait the nearly 8 weeks for our bio and levels to balance out but so worth it! 
Welcome to the forum!! :D
I noticed you only have one cory.  Corys are schooling fish and should be kept in groups of at least 6.  They can get stressed when there's less than that.  
It's nice to meet you and that's very good to know!  I will have to add a few!  I just started my tank about 8 weeks ago and have only been able to add fish this weekend aside from my 3 gold zebras which were my starter fish.  In the midst of my tank cycling, a work colleague needed to urgently rehome her large angelfish to me as it was attacking her other angel.  It's just been the 4 of them up until yesterday.  Between yesterday and today, the rest have all been new additions!  I love fish keeping.  My other animal passion is English Bulldogs.  I have just one now as I lost one a month ago. 
Welcome to the forum!! 

As DiddleBug already mentioned, your cory will need a few buddies :) I would also research your loach and tetra species to see if they need to be in larger groups. Most schooling fish prefer groups of at least 6. You may also need to monitor your angel with the tetras, as they normally eat small tetras. I suggest researching each species in your tank. SeriouslyFish is a great site that was recommended to me by someone else on the forum, and has helped me learn accurate information on any fish I am interested in.
Hi Flakey!  Fortunately, Nicolay (the angel fish) isn't especially interested in the other fish.  He pretty much keeps to himself so far.  I'm definitely going to get at least a couple more cory fish and will add more to our existing small schools rather than add additional types of tetras.  I'll be sure to check out seriouslyfish and see if I can get some more useful fishy knowledge!
Sounds good! Make sure that the corydoras are the same species, as well. For example, even though julii cory and sterba cory look fairly similar, they know the difference lol Sorry if that seems obvious to you... I had wanted to mix corydoras species myself when I first saw them at the LFS 
Also, feel free to post some pics of your tank and fish! That's one of the best parts of the forum! 
to TFF! Hope you enjoy it here.
As has been mentioned already, the cories, tetras, danios, and loaches all prefer groups of 6+. Unfortunately your tank is not big enough to house all of those :(
I'd pick one or two schools then re-home the other schooling fish. You could still keep the things like platies & pleco I think. Do keep an eye on the angel, especially with the neons. How big is it?
I hope I havn't come off as rude & I'm sure that was not what you wanted to hear but I figured it'd be best to know now rather than later. Good on you for cycling the tank before adding them btw!
My angel fish body without the fins is the size of a silver dollar or a little bigger.  He actually hasn't bothered the neons.  He occasionally will give a little chase to my larger head and tail light tetra.
Funny thing about my fish....the glow lights and neons seem to have made their own larger school combining both groups of 3.  They are inseperable.  I won't be adding any other types of fish to my tank, though I may add a few to a couple of my schools. 
Thanks for the advice.  I didn't see it as rude.  This isn't my first tank.  :)

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