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Aug 6, 2004
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My name is Brianna. I am 8 years old. My mommy, Semper Fi, is allowing me to get a pair of bettas. I would like to know how to take care of bettas. My mommy has said I can have one of her 10 gallon tanks. Would this be best or would 2 smaller tank be better?

I also need to know what and how much to feed my new bettas.

Thank You!
I think a ten gallon would be better than two small tanks because a larger volume of water is more stable - that means your fish will be healthier.

But make sure you put a divider across the middle of the tank to keep the bettas apart, or they will fight.
Hey Sweet Pea,

Welcome to the forum and also welcome to the world of bettas. That's great that your mommy Semper fi (one of my fav people :wub: ) is letting you get a pair of bettas. Also, it is good to know you are asking questions, before going out and getting fishes (Some big kids should do that more often :rolleyes: ). Well Sweet Pea, that 10 gallon that your mommy is going to let you have sounds great. A 10 gallon for two bettas is perfect. I would suggest you divided it in half with some sort of divider (your mommy can help you with that). Then decorate it, with some gravel, some plants and anything else you want and that your mommy allows. As for carring for the bettas, thats very simple. Make sure it always has clean water, make sure you go out and buy food, I would recommend Hikari pellets and also some treats like bloodworms and such ( gross huh?? :sick: , but thats what they like) Then last go to the lfs and pick out some healthy looking bettas, that you like and that your mommy allows. There are some more technical stuff to do like water changes and stuff, that I heard your getting better at :thumbs: , that your mommy can explain and help you out with. Good Luck.


Hope you post pictures, once you get your new bettas. ;)
:hi: to the forums :D

A 10g divided would be best, for the reasons clutterydrawer said.

For food, you can try Hikari's betta pellets, a lot of people have had a lot of success with it. A few pellets a day will do. Or you can try live food, but your mummy might end up doing the feeding if you think its icky :lol:

Welcome Sweet Pea :)

How exciting you're getting your own tank, what a great Mommy you have :)

The advise you've been given above is great. A 10 gallon divided would be fine or 2 smaller tanks would also be fine. The benifit to 2 seperate tanks would be if one gets sick it wouldn't spread to the other, however 2 tanks would be a little more work and cost, so whichever your Mommy thinks is best you should go with.

Welcome Sweet Pea...always nice to have more betta lovers in here :wub:

I agree with everyone else. a 10 gallon is very big for two bettas you may even be able to gat some other fish like danios or tetras if your mommy lets you. if you get 2 smaller tanks like 1 gallon to 2 gallons each you can buy a small bag of grvel and some plants nd that would be perfect for just one of your bettas.
They won't act normal. They will be very still, may lose colour, lose appetite and things like that. If you keep a healthy betta, you will be able to tell when it is unhealthy.

PT pretty much nailed it. :lol: But, don't worry Sweet Pea, with your skills getting better all the time and your mommy Semper Fi (The Fish Goddess) you guys will have healthy bettas. ;)
You should ask the store were you buy them what food they feed them, because they minght not like the food that you give them. Each of my bettas like diffrent foods.

Also plastic plants may rip the bettas fins, so live and/or silk plants are best for males.

If you do divide the tank in half, will it have a filter or airstone so you can have other fish in there as well?

If it will platties and corries are great betta tank mates.
hi and welcome to the forum! im coconutman.

for your bettas i only have a few things apart from what other people said.

1. make sure you dont overfeed your bettas. this could make them very full and its not good for them.

2. dont forget a lid on the betta tank, bettas can jump really far.

3. make sure if you get fake plants they are silk so that the bettas fin wont rip on the plant.

well i hope you have fun with your bettas!
Welcome to the forum! :D African Dwarf Frogs also make good tank mates for betta's. I have one in one of my 2.5 gallon tanks with Red. They get along great except for the occasional fight over the bloodworms that I feed Frog. Everybody here has given excellent advice. Just remember, the best way to keep a betta really healthy is to keep the tank good and clean. That means that you will have to be really good on doing regular water changes. If you decide to get 2 small tanks, I personally would get 2.5 gallon tanks. A 1 gallon just doesn't seem like enough space. With a 2.5 gallon a 25% water change should be done at least 2 times a week if you use a filter. They would LOVE all that space if you use a divided 10 gallon though. Good luck with your new friends! B)
Welcome to the forum, Sweet Pea. :)

I'm glad to hear that you're getting some bettas- they are great fish! :wub:

Everyone else has told you wonderful advice. :nod:

If you have any other questions, just ask ;)
Welcome to the forums, Sweet Pea :) I had a bird named Sweet pea once, and she was adorable. :) (And you sound utterly sweet and adorable, and so caring of your new fish! :wub: (Can I take you home with me? ;) )

Anyway, everyone has given you great advice, and your Mum sure knows what she is doing when it comes to her fish. My piece of advice: Don't over feed them. They may look like they are starving and want more food, but they don't. They are greedy little creatures and just want more and more, so you have to be a protective little Mommy and protect them from themselves. :)

Good luck with your fishies, I'm sure you'll do a great job. :thumbs:

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