New To Fish Tank Maintenance

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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attibones said:
Oh okay good. A lot of people come on here with common plecos and are unaware of how huge they get. That's why I asked.

What size tank is this, by the way? I can't seem to find that info on here.
I bought it as a 20 gallon but based on the dimensions, it is actually a 23 gallon. It is pretty fully stocked at the moment. My dad had a common pleco in his 130 gallon when I was a kid and it got really big and messy! It must have been 10 inches long, which isn't that big for a pleco, but I thought it was huge. :) I just love them! They are so ugly they're cute, and they are extremely interesting to watch when they feed.
sadguppy said:
Seems like you're doing everything right. If you've been slowly adding the fish over a few months, it will probably be cycled or almost there. Most of us started off with a fish in cycle and yes it's hard work, but you're over the worst!

Just make sure that you keep up the water changes, once the tank is settled a weekly or bi weekly change is a must
if it's an internal filter I'd clean the sponges in old tank water once a month to keep the flow. Other than that, and the occasional algae scrub, there isn't a lot to it!
My ammonia has been staying lower overall, and for longer after a water change. The nitrates are starting to slightly show up when I test the water. I have been changing the water 2 or 3 times a week, but lately the levels are usually okay if I change the water (about 70%) about every 5 or 6 days. I think I'm just about done cycling, thank goodness! Tired of lugging my 5 gallon bucket around so often to remove the water!

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