New To Fish, Researching Before Diving In!

l_l_l said:
I have the exact same tank than you but am running a low light setup.
I have an Aquaclear 70 for a filter, two eheim Jager thermometers (125W each) to make sure the temperature is spot on.
As for the substrate, it all depends on the type of fish you want to keep, and if you want plants!
I really suggest you do have plants in your tank, there are a few of hardy plants you can keep and will help you have a better water quality and better fish health.
To give you an exemple of the stocking I have:
10 Pygme Corydoras
12 Celestial Pearl Danios
12 Rummynose Tetras
4 Nerite Snails
6 Amano Shrimp
And 1 Pearl Gourami
My tank has a lot of plants in it, to make sure everyone has a lot of hiding space and lots of stuff to look at!
As I have a lot of plants, I got some Eco-Complete black sand, it is really nice for plants, and won't hurt my Corydoras.
I could add a few other Rummynose Tetras for a bigger school but I like it the way it is right now.
Cardinal Tetras are hardy fish, and good for beginner, Harlequin Rasbora are by far one of the best schooling fish you can get (Keep in a large number as well) I was actually planning on getting some, but decided to go for one large school of tetras rather than two smaller schools of different species. I am still wondering if I should have went with the Rasboras (they are really really really beautifull)
If you want tiger barbs, because of their look, you could always opt for their cousin, the five banded barb, which is much more peaceful.
I am very happy that you are asking questions first, then buying later. Most people do the oposite, then they just quit the hobby, thinking it is just too difficult.
Also, before you buy everything, make sure that you cycle your tank!
It is absolutely necessary that you do it! If you don't your fish will all die "mysteriously".
You can follow this link to know how to do it!
If you have any more questions I'll be glad to help!
What kind of plants do you have for your setup?
I have all low light plants such as
Java ferns, Anubias, Cryptocorines, Rotala indica, Giant Valisneria, Water Wisteria, Brazilian Pennywort, Rosanervig's Hygrophila, Corkscrew Vallisneria and some Water Lettuce as well.
I almost forgot about the marimo balls, and I'll eventually add some Java Moss!
As fro your question about heaters, the only one I ever had was the Jager..

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