New to fish!!! Looking for input. Will be much appreciated!!


New Member
Jan 3, 2017
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Okay so I got this 55g for free. I got a 75g filter with bio things and mesh and pad. Set it all up about 3 months ago almost. Dropped like an 1"and a half JD, 2" rainbow shark, and a 3" angelfish with a pleco. Everything's still alive, I have added another smaller angel, I also added what I thought was another JD (turns out I was just a bad judge of fish), ended up being a GT about 2". As of yesterday I added a lone clown loach about 3" since there's was only one at the store.. despite knowing that loaches thrive better in a group of about 4-6. Let me b know what you think!!!! :D

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Okay so I got this 55g for free. I got a 75g filter with bio things and mesh and pad. Set it all up about 3 months ago almost. Dropped like an 1"and a half JD, 2" rainbow shark, and a 3" angelfish with a pleco. Everything's still alive, I have added another smaller angel, I also added what I thought was another JD (turns out I was just a bad judge of fish), ended up being a GT about 2". As of yesterday I added a lone clown loach about 3" since there's was only one at the store.. despite knowing that loaches thrive better in a group of about 4-6. Let me b know what you think!!!! :D

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A pleco in a 55gallon? Plecos get big(up to 3 feet) and need big tanks. You said you have angelfish? You didnt specify the type but most angelfish need a heater.
Yeah lol you can see I got pics but they're upsidown

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Not all plecos get that big. Some stay small, it just depends on the type of pleco you have
You need to pin down the pleco species. Size is one issue, but it may or may not manage with the other fish if they stay.

Moving on, the clown loach was an unfortunate acquisition, perhaps they will take it back? It needs a group as you know, but that is not possible in this small a tank. Clown loach, in a group of five minimum (four sometimes works, but not always, this is a highly social fish) require at least a six-foot tank as they will (or should if healthy) attain 12+ inches and are active, like most loaches. Aside from this, the Rainbow shark is likely going to view the loaches as violating its space. Rainbows are not usually as aggressive as Red Tail sharks, but as members in another thread recently noted, they certainly can be.

The JD has rather limited options for other fish in this tank, as it will house one JD and that's it. The angelfish willnot manage in here. Something needs to go, I leave that to you. Not sure what a "GT" is...?

Several issues to resolve, sorry.

I assumed a GT was a green terror, Andinoacara rivulatus

That being the case, then this tank could house one of these, alone, so another problem.
I'd be getting rid of the JD and GT. Then upping the clown loach number.

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