New To Fish Keeping


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Sep 11, 2014
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I am just about to buy a new tank, 5 or 6 ft but not sure if i should go for Tropical or Salt water Marine? 
Go tropical! ;) Freshwater tropical tanks are the best. With a five or six foot tank, you'd have plenty of options for a gorgeous stocking, plus you'd have plenty of room to plant your tank. 
Only jellyfish and certain rays would make me go to the salty side. 
What about mono rays atti? Haha and clowns, eels, and puffers would switch me over.
Its more a matter of how much money you would like to spend, if you want to spend 2 to 3 times as much then go marine 
if you want a cheaper but still very cool tank go tropical!
Tropical as you have a wider range and you can put my fish in the tank and tropical is a lot more cheaper fish wise and food.
For me it depends on budgets - I set up a 20 gallon marine tank once and the set up costs were way in excess of what it cost me to set  up my 135 gallon 6 foot freshwater tank. I think I must have spent £150 on the second hand tank and stand, £90 on a new pump, £80 on more live rock, £50 on the clean up crew - at that point I sold up and stuck with freshwater :)
I've always wanted to set up a 'mock' salt water tank. As in decorate it with fake corals, etc, and fill with colorful fish and eels.  Of course this wouldn't be anywhere near as beautiful as a real salt water set up, just something I would do if I had a spare tank laying around.
Personally I love planted freshwater tanks.  You can look up aquascaping on youtube, you can get some brilliant ideas from there.

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