New to Cory's


New Member
Sep 12, 2004
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Just done an intro, so will try and not repeat myself, but 'wow' these are just the most entertaining and friendly fish I've ever come across :)

We've had an bred White Clouds for a few years now, not exactly hard I know, and very easy to keep - but we've never had the courage to go and add stock to our tank until today.

We've just got 2 peppers, 2 bronze and 2 panda's - they 2's because they all seemed to pals in the tanks and the variety because it was suggested by the guy in LFS - they settled right it, although the Panda's had to be coaxed into exploring by the other Cory's but now - well it's like they've been in there forever :) Love them to bits we do - still love our Minows as well LOL

They are really active, friendly, fun to watch (have been doing none stop since about 4pm lol) they've mingled with the Minows, found their little home and it's great :)

I will admit not knowing that much about them apart from the fact they are bottom feeders (we have all the right food) and are just plain fantastic.

Are there any handy hints people can give? Or can we expect these Cory's to settle in and thrive with no problems :)

Many Thanks

Welcome to the forums, and congratulations on a fine choice of first fish to branch out to.

Sounds like you're doing nothing wrong there with the little chaps.

What substrate are you using? If it's gravel, why not consider changing to sand?

Cories are different fish on sand!
Hi, thanks for you reply :)

I'm on gravel - undergravel filter in operation too. I've often thought of sand, but it's not going to work with an undergravel filter and power head. lol I'm not too keen on the internal filters - can well imagine what it'd do to the minnow fry lol

I made sure from the start that the gravel was smooth gravel as were the rocks in there, although we do have a lava rock in the middle but which is an ideal cave system for them all.

After a few years of trial and error, we've now got a tank that gives fantastic water results every time, fish stay healthy and happy, and the plants do really well. Have had the odd problem after a prune and plant tidy up with phosphate and nitrate levels going up, always shown up by some hair algae. After a few water changes and when the plants start filling out things go back to normal :)

What would the differance be on Sand? *thoughts of new tank set starting* lol

Cheers :)

I thought my cories were great until I switched from gravel to sand. Now, I absolutely can't get enough of them!!! The cories like to sift through the sand - it's really cute. They take a whole bunch in their mouths and swallow what they want and what they don't want comes back out through the gills. It's great to watch them sifting and digging around in the sand. No need to worry if you have plants though - they aren't ferocious diggers, just for what's in that top layer of sand.

As long as you have smooth gravel, the cories would be fine, it's just that they *prefer* the sand ;)
Heya :)

They're lovely aren't they? :wub:

The only things I can think of at the minute are that they like shade eg from plants or rocks and they're fond of meaty foods eg blackworm. :)

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