new to corys


Mar 23, 2004
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anchorage, alaska
I was never that interested in cory's until I started reading some of these posts and they sound wonderful! so i was planning on getting some when i get my new, bigger tank (hopefully soon!). i keep seeing that everyone says to keep them in groups of about 6. does that mean six of the same kind, or six total cory's of a couple different kinds? i'm not sure if my lfs even has multiple species, but i'd love to get a couple different kinds.
I think you can get them in different kinds. I have my corys like that, and they are as happy as can be.
Hi longhorn13 :)

Cory cats are great little fish! But, although they are schooling fish and need companions, you do not need to get 6 of the same kind.

I usually recommend a minimum of 3, but for people with small tanks, 2 seems to be OK. :nod: However, I like to buy 4 to 6 of a kind because I breed them. When corys are small, it's often impossible to tell the gender and by buying this many I will usually be sure to have both males and females.

I have 9 different kinds in my main tank and it's great fun to watch them socialize with each other. They all get along, but also, they do seem to spend some of their time with their own kind. :thumbs:

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