New To Cories!


New Member
Aug 18, 2007
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Hi Everyone!

I'd just like to ask if two different kinds of cories will shoal together? I recently bought 3 Sterbai Cories and 2 Albino Cories. All of them are 1" each! They're so cute and fun to watch! They were the last ones left and I know they should at least be around 6. They're hard to find in the Philippines sadly. :unsure: Will they be ok with my guppies, platies, and gouramis? I'm new to keeping cories.. Hehe.. Thanks for your kind replies!

Cories of different species don't shole together very often. Cories are pecafull fish and they like to only assiciate with thier own kind, this makes them a pretty good comunity fish. Mine do fine with my guppies and gouramis. My gouramis like to hang with them sometimes.
Hi pokemonmastah :)

Corys are great little fish that get along fine with any peaceful community type fish. They are active and playful and I'm sure you will enjoy keeping them.

This is an old picture, but I thought you might like to see it. It's a female gourami hiding from her mate in the cory's cave.


Do you know what species your albino corys are?

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