Ive just brought 2 julii cories today(thats what they were labeled at but i now know they are in fact trilineatus cories) They are so preety i dont care what they are called but was wondering should i be putting down some pellets or anything?
No, you dont have to. You can feed thme flakes, blooworms, BS, etc. Whatever you feed your fish, they'll eat. Unless you feed peas, mine dont eat peas, maybe a little nibble every now and then.
It's really up to you. Cories are scavengers so they'll eat leftovers from other fish but make sure they are infact getting food and there isn't much competition for food. My cories eat algae tabs, spirulina tabs, freeze dried tubifex worms, brine shrimp pellets, live frozen brine shrimp and blood worms.
Cories need a variety of food. They need more then just flake food. Its not a good idea to just feed them "leftovers." I would reccomend feeding them some sort of pellot (I feed mine Hikari Sinking Wafers and Spirulla Disks and sometimes algea wafers) along with flake food and blood worms. Cories need a steady diet of protein to thrive.