That will be better for him, and his fins, a real plant - well done.
The main thing with Bettas is they need plants, or some other item, that they can sit in at the surface to chill out. I often find my boys doing this, and just popping their heads up now and again to breathe. The really feathery busy plants are also their favourites.
I bet he is enjoying the new plant?
What are your next plans for him? Heater and larger tank?
I am planning to make a tunnel for my old boy to sit in, like the one Wildbetta told me about in another post. I went yesterday to get lots of different plumbing items, quite funny really asking the guy to help me find a bit of toilet pipe but for a different reason. I will of course share my attempts with you all.
This Old Spouse said:
Thank you! I may get one someday. The one yesterday was one I've never seen. Thought he was gorgeous. He looked just like this, only pitch black.
That would be a Crowntail Black Orchid, lovely fish. Mostly black, sometimes with colouring in their rays from what I understand. Had a gorgeous female black with electric blue in her rays, sadly I lost her soon after shipment.
Thank you for identifying it! I'm not normally drawn to these fish, but that one really struck me. Might have to do some reading up on these guys.
Ah, that is the beauty of the Siamese Fighting fish, there is always one
or two, or three, or four...
I have two Crowntails and for awhile I would say they were my favourites, and to be honest I still find them very striking, but after getting my Big Ears Butterfly Plakat (he is the Violet one in the signature), I have fallen for this type. They are so healthy, and on the go all day, not needing to rest like the others. That said, he is also one of my youngest so time will tell.