New To Bettas

Thank you! I may get one someday. The one yesterday was one I've never seen. Thought he was gorgeous. He looked just like this, only pitch black.
That would be a Crowntail Black Orchid, lovely fish.  Mostly black, sometimes with colouring in their rays from what I understand.  Had a gorgeous female black with electric blue in her rays, sadly I lost her soon after shipment.
RCA said:
Thank you! I may get one someday. The one yesterday was one I've never seen. Thought he was gorgeous. He looked just like this, only pitch black.
That would be a Crowntail Black Orchid, lovely fish.  Mostly black, sometimes with colouring in their rays from what I understand.  Had a gorgeous female black with electric blue in her rays, sadly I lost her soon after shipment.
Thank you for identifying it! I'm not normally drawn to these fish, but that one really struck me. Might have to do some reading up on these guys.

That will be better for him, and his fins, a real plant - well done. 
The main thing with Bettas is they need plants, or some other item, that they can sit in at the surface to chill out.  I often find my boys doing this, and just popping their heads up now and again to breathe.  The really feathery busy plants are also their favourites.
I bet he is enjoying the new plant?
What are your next plans for him?  Heater and larger tank?
I am planning to make a tunnel for my old boy to sit in, like the one Wildbetta told me about in another post.  I went yesterday to get lots of different plumbing items, quite funny really asking the guy to help me find a bit of toilet pipe but for a different reason.  I will of course share my attempts with you all.
This Old Spouse said:

Thank you! I may get one someday. The one yesterday was one I've never seen. Thought he was gorgeous. He looked just like this, only pitch black.
That would be a Crowntail Black Orchid, lovely fish.  Mostly black, sometimes with colouring in their rays from what I understand.  Had a gorgeous female black with electric blue in her rays, sadly I lost her soon after shipment.
Thank you for identifying it! I'm not normally drawn to these fish, but that one really struck me. Might have to do some reading up on these guys.

Ah, that is the beauty of the Siamese Fighting fish, there is always one
or two, or three, or four...

I have two Crowntails and for awhile I would say they were my favourites, and to be honest I still find them very striking, but after getting my Big Ears Butterfly Plakat (he is the Violet one in the signature), I have fallen for this type.  They are so healthy, and on the go all day, not needing to rest like the others.  That said, he is also one of my youngest so time will tell.
He seems to be enjoying the plant. Yep, plans to upgrade his tank size and add a heater are in the works... but it may be a while yet...
The bigger "home" and heater should be your main focus for your betta.  For the price you paid for that ozelot sword(very nice choice by the way) you could have bought him a rubbermaid storage container of around 3-5 gallons.  Just saying that to put some stuff in perspective -- not trying to be mean.  I am very blunt and to the point and sometimes that comes across as rude when it was totally not meant to be.  So please don't take it that way.  I love ozelot swords and have 2 in one of my 20 gallon long tanks.  I do agree that he is not a dragon scale but a very nice metallic color.  You got more willpower than I do though, cause if I worked at a petstore I would never have money.  I would be buying things as they came in to the store ALL the time.
I only paid 2 bucks for the plant... I see where you are coming from with the tank thing.... but space is limited too. I need to do some major reorganizing around the home, and I want to make him as comfortable as possible until I can get him a bigger tank. I saw a fray in one of his fins the day I bought the plant and I knew the plastic one had to be removed that day. Yes... my boyfriend is very loving because I have purchased a hamster, added 4 fish to my tropical tank, rescued a toothless hamster from the store, purchased a betta, and spent way too much money on enrichment items for all of the animals since I started this job (2 months ago) and he is still here!
He did say that I need to stop "saving" animals from the store because he worries that I get too upset if they don't make it. lol
Also, I am glad you like the plant choice, I was worried because it looks a little rough, and I know I need to get some ferts but my store doesn't sell any so I am gonna have to find some online. Do you recommend anything?
I was pretty disappointed that my store didn't have the anubias nano plant that I want, but I placed a special order for one and for an almond leaf. It's a dried almond leaf though, will that be okay?
When I get the nano I am going to put the ozelot in my tropical tank

Oh and the only reason I didn't bring home the female betta that I made a new topic about is because I am out of tanks lol... I have an addiction!
LOL I find ozelot swords are awesome for bettas because their big leaves make great hammocks for the bettas to rest on. As far as ferts for the sword -- they do better with root tabs which are ferts you place in the substrate near where the plant is planted.  Swords hardly take ferts through the leaves so liquid ferts don't do much for them.  As long as you have it in the "pot" that it is in -- I wouldn' t worry about ferts yet. I have my 20 gallon long with the two ozelot swords in it entered into the April TOM competition so if you want to see how they look when they have been rooted and in the tank for a while go check it out.  :)   Anubia nana can be difficult to find unless you luck up with it or you buy it from someone online.  IAL (Indian almond leaf) should be dry as that is how they are used.  They create a nice tannin effect and have antibacterial properties as well.  You can also use dried hardwood leaves (like oak) with the same effect.  Your guy sounds much more easy going than my husband.  Hehehe  He doesn't really care for "critters" so the fact that I have multiple tanks bothers him.
AshP1986 said:
Oh and the only reason I didn't bring home the female betta that I made a new topic about is because I am out of tanks lol... I have an addiction!
 It is called M.T.S. - Multiple Tank Syndrome and is very contagious with Betta lovers in particular

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