New To Bettas


Fish Fanatic
Sep 19, 2007
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Could you use a 20 gallon tank and put a bunch of betta females in with one betta male?

they are not like any livebearer. Females and males will fight, they have to be conditioned before breeding. And males with males will fight.

All females is fine though with a minimum of 5 in a group.
Nope rule of thumb is all females or just a male, you can't mix sexes of betta's unless you set up a breeding tank and then it is one male and one female but even then you have to keep an eye on the pair in case one or other of them decides to get nasty.

All female groups should not really be less than 4 / 5 any less and the agression isn't spread out enough so one of them will end up being bullied more than the others.
Ooh lovely a 20 gallon going spare. Plant it up nice, put lots of lovely retreats [caves and such like] in amongst the green, use a black backdrop and gravel and put a bunch of females in - around 8-10 - the black will bring their colours out soooo nice
4-5 females plus, in a group is the ideal but I have 3 in a 20L tank and there is no aggression at all. Plenty of hiding spaces, but no aggression :D
Like the others above, only females.

I plan on getting 4 females and adding them to my 10G tank.

Currently in tank= 2 tetras, 2 z.danios and one cory.

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