New To Betta Splenden's.

Yeah they are called aquaview 1 gallon tanks and walmart has gravel for under $5 and it also comes with a airpump but it is not needed since bettas can breath from the surface.
Welcome Randy! I'm sorry to see that your first few posts have sparked controversy, and I hope it doesn't spook you off from this board. You have a gorgeous betta there, and while we may be coming off as pushy, the people on this forum really have the best interests of you and your fish at heart.
Pet stores care very little about the mental and physical wellbeing of the fish they sell. Bettas are the ultimate disposeable pet, and are often kept in undersized aquariums due to their unique ability to breath air. This aparatus has helped the species to survive summer dry spells in their natural habitat, where their living space is sometimes reduced to mere puddles. However, during the majority of the year, rice paddies are spacious despite being shallow, and the water is far from the filthy mudpuddles many pet stores purport bettas "enjoy" living in. In fact, many of the other betta species live in streams, ponds, and swamps just like any other fish.
The point of all this? Well, frankly, bettas were never meant to spend their entire lives in such cramped quarters. As with any animal, it leads a build-up of waste, inadequate exersize (which weakens the body as a whole), and of course, boredom. Additionally, since bettas are aquatic, the small amount of water prevents adequate heating, leads to fluctuating temperatures, and contributes to the build-up of fatal levels of ammonia. So, while a fish in a store cup might live long enough to be sold in such conditions, I can just about guarentee you that not a single betta kept in those unstable, unclean conditions would live even a fraction of their lifespan.
You've done the best you could with your knowledge of bettas by giving the animal a slightly larger living space. Most people do not know proper betta husbandry, so you can not be expected to, especially after being mislead by the store. However, you are now being educated, and instead of agreeing to look for something more suitable, you seem to be getting stand-offish. Please do not take offense to people's suggestions; the members here have been keeping bettas for years, and know what is best. A 1 gallon tank is a step in the right direction, though you still may find it difficult to heat. It will certainly allow your betta to be more active, and will slow the buildup of waste in the water, however.
If you think about it, it really isn't much space, even if it is a "mansion" compared to the cup you bought your fish in. Any other species would be allowed at least 1-3 gallons per inch of body length. The betta is a good 2-3 inches long, yet few will live in more than 1/2 gallon, because they are cursed by their unique air-breathing adaptation. Perhaps you think we are being silly because it is just a fish, and after all, you're living in cramped quarters... but please consider the fact that you are free to leave your apartment at any time, to go get exersize, visit new places, or even go out and buy a larger aquarium (hint ;) ). Your betta will never have this luxury. And, even if you did live only in the one bedroom apartment, you'd at least be able to crack a window when it got hot, turn on the heat when it got cold, and flush your urine and defecation instead of living in it and breathing it. In short, if you were at the mercy of a larger being, you'd probably want at least your minimum survival needs met, right? How can you do any less for a living creature that you've brought into your own home, then?
Please at least consider it. He's a beautiful fish; it'd be a shame to see him pass on early because of something as minor as 1/2 a gallon of water.
Does your town have any second hand stores?
I've gotten 1 to 2 gallon vases and bowls at thrift store for .99 - $3.
BTW your new fish is absolutely gorgeous!!! :wub:
^ Good suggestion. I've found great aquariums and other containers at flea markets and yardsales as well.

Just to mention - you can buy a 1 or 2 gallon tupperware at the grocery store very cheaply, poke some holes in the lid, and make a nice little betta habitat as well. I've used them as temporary tanks before until I was able to upgrade, and they work great. Keeps the environment in the tupperware nice and humid, too.
Wal-mart should have the plastic kritter keepters from 1/4 of a gallon all the way up to one gallon in the pet department. They also have those triangle shaped tanks for $11. They are a gallon and come with a light and fake plant. They also come with a pump and undergravel filter but I don't recommend using it. It's standard at all wal-mart stores. They are a chain and their stock is pretty much the same throughout the country. If they don't have any I'd ask if they could order some for you.

The closest Wal-Mart is a four hour drive, I can't afford the gas.

Does your town have any second hand stores?
I've gotten 1 to 2 gallon vases and bowls at thrift store for .99 - $3.
BTW your new fish is absolutely gorgeous!!! :wub:

No second hand stores, whatever those are.

And I understand RandomWiktor but there isn't much I can do without spending a buttload. As for tubs, I've already looked at that, they want thirty for a small five gallon, plus something that big would need a heater, I don't have one.
Just buy tupperware. Sterilite containers are like $3.50 for a 2 gallon, and I'm pretty sure K-Mart has them. That would work just fine until the next time you're out of town and can buy something nicer-looking, if you're so inclined. Frankly, I'm not buying that you can't find a larger container of some kind somewhere. Hell, they make all sorts of cheap 1+ gallon plastic food containers that would make better betta homes than that bowl, all you have to do is look.

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