New To Barbs

I have mine in with six dwarf chain loaches which works really well - since the chain loaches stay mainly on the bottom (when they're not sitting on leaves or bog wood a bit higher up).

I've also had them in with danios which is fine - the danios spend a lot of time right at the top of the tank, whereas the tigers swim all over the middle.

I also think they'd be fine with any of the more feisty tetras (like serpaes). I have thought of putting my blue emperors in with them before now - but never have. Don't put more slow moving, docile tetras in with them, though ... like cardinals, glowlights or black neons ... they'd get too stressed (I had cardinals in with mine for a short while but had to move them out).
i'll look into those suggestions...thanks :) it really is good to have people say they look good so thanks for that too :)
I noticed in your pic's they have a green shimmer to them they get that when they are fighting for dominance which can sometime get nasty as the alpha male tries to asert himself as leader of the pact, but as long as they are in a big group of 6 or more they will sort themselves out.

They are very active and rewarding fish to keep when males are wanting to mate (show of to the female) they will do head stands and spread their fins out .. it is quite funny to watch and very cute indeed.

People who are new to keeping barbs often worry when they see their babrs doing headstands and asume there is something wrong with the fish because of its odd behaviour so when they start doing heads stands (not usually until there are sexually mature) don't be alarmed :)
Thanks. i think they look pretty OK too. The tank is temp so i didn't put as much work into the decor as i will when i get the 30 ready.

When i put them in the 30 gal, what could go in there with them? 6 smaller fish seems a bit too few. Can i add more? What esle can i do with them?

I'd try either:
Cherry Barbs
Checkerboard Barbs
Rosy barbs (( the long finned Rosy's are out of the question ))
with a little school of corydoras or small loaches

Oh yeah the Barbs look ace! :good:
they already are doing head stands. could they be mature already!? :hey:

a bit off topic but wouldn't it be nice if all men had to do was a headstand to get the attention af a woman? :lol: ok i'm done with my musings :nod:

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