New To All This


New Member
May 17, 2006
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Kent / UK

I am new to fish keeping in general but want to start out with a Betta.

I have read the forums and found lots of useful information about them.

1 question that I have is about my planned tank. Would this be suitable for for keep a Betta if I added a heater? BiOrb

Thanks for your guidance
no far too small need atleast 1 gallon but i prefer to adivse 2.5-3 gallon tanks as they like it better
you could get a much larger, much better quality tank for the sort of money you pay for biorbs. we don't like biorbs here much.
Ok I am very glad that I asked before I went out and got 1 then.

I will have a look at the weekend for something more suitable.

Quote from the link above: Suitable for small breeds of fish such as minnows (cold water) and platys or guppies (tropical).

I'm not that good with litres vrs Gallons, but holy cow companies, get a grip on reality! Pff. *Pokes Biorb company*
That tank is roughly 2.5 Gallons which IS in theory a big enough tank. But myself i don't keep them in those sorts of bowls. I have one which is a flat bowl if you get what i mean. But those styles i just dont like. For the same price you can get a nice big Kritter Keeper for the new boy or girl and decorate it nicely :)

Thanks for all the advice

The 320s look quiet nice, are they glass or plastic?

I am also hoping at some point in the future to get a very large community tank (if all goes to plan)


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